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grand haven lighthouse and pier

grand haven lighthouse and pier

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • 436brucef
    Perfect time to see how the winter is along the lake. Beautiful ice formations. Everyone should see Grand Haven's winter beauty at least once. We are making it an annual event.
  • mnsnapper
    This would be rated one of the best beaches on the planet if you could swim it year round - no salt, no sharks! Seriously this is a beautiful beach, great for walking. The pier is the place to be in summer. You can walk it, bike it, or swim off it. Just read and heed the warnings please - they do have drownings pretty much every summer here. It's perfectly safe if you don't act stupid. And you won't see a better sunset than from Grand Haven Beach or pier - Beautiful!!!
  • Ronmsparks
    Whether you're enjoying a stay in the beautiful city of Grand Haven Michigan or just driving through, it is definitely worth taking time to go out to Lake Michigan at Grand Haven State Park, Michigan's busiest. And it's no wonder...the incredible beach, boardwalk and waterfront are a sun, fun and sight lovers' special. The location and varied attractions are second to none! Spring, Summer and Fall offer great camping, swimming, walks along the beach, and varied dining and entertainment options.Even winter draws crowds which we witnessed again today as we visited to view the ever-changing icejams and snow pile formations along the lakeshore. Equally eerie and enchanting, these cold weather creations are the kind of original artwork only nature can form. Families, couples, photographers and teens are all fascinated by the frozen 'moonscapes' stretching from the shore out into the frigid Lake. People walking and climbing on the 10-15 foot high ice mountains look like ants on distant piles of dirty sugar.But the focus of the attraction in any picture at any season is the pier going out to the lighthouse. This well-travelled path welcomes thousands of visitors year-round and is Grand Haven's adopted landmark. Its appearance changes with the seasons, sitting quietly alongside the Grand River channel in nice weather or being washed with waves during high winds or draped in ice as it was today. The lighthouse faithfully stands guard offering a beacon of safety to mariners year-round.Enjoy this great destination whenever you get the chance...frequently, if possible.
  • scubalucy
    It was a bit of a nightmare getting there as the wind from Lake MI had caused a bit of a snow storm, just me and a family, it was worth a three hour drive. it was stunning in the snow and ice. Be careful with your footing - great if you love to take photos
  • travelfoolwithbooks
    This is a beautiful lighthouse and pier regardless of the season, but it is just for viewing during the winter months. Lake Michigan splashes up against the pier during the winter and the result is a snow and ice encrusted pier which becomes treacherous. Look at the pier from a distance during the cold weather months and then return during summer when you can walk out on the pier and watch the sun set.
  • Cyndi1956
    This lighthouse is packed in the summer time and frequently you cannot get into the parking lot. But at 3 degrees and wind chills below zero, you can get into the parking lot, take the cold and windy walk out to this beautiful lighthouse. The red against the snow make for lovely pictures! Town is just up the bend and full of quirky shops and great food! No fee for parking in winter but there are no open restrooms so go before you go!
  • Stendel
    Visited the lighthouse covered in ice. The ice had a beautiful wind blown effect that was just amazing.The beaches were covered in ice formations that were just beyond words. A must visit in winter time.
  • judiciousdiner
    Great place to watch the sunset, and a nice walk down the "boardwalk" from downtown. A few places along the way to get ice-cream, and several bar's restaurants at the in town end of the walk
  • Jscindc
    Normally a summer resort town, Grand Haven lighthouse and pier is something magical in the middle of winter. The waves freeze on the beach, and the results are something that has to be seen to be believed. Hundreds of yards of ice covered with snow. Words cannot do justice. Just watch your step, it is very un-even under foot, and the exposed ice is very slippery!
  • barbarahV4479MH
    Very nice beach and beachfront. Anyone who comes to SW Michigan should check out Grand Haven's waterfront.
  • 674MW
    this is another lighthouse that can be admired from afar. no entry. however if one should be fortunate enough to be in the area when a storm or high winds get the wave action going, what a sight. it is impressive watching the waves going over the pier, and with the freezing waters the ice formations are also quite impressive. please, please, please, DO NOT go out on the pier during the storms or when there are rip current warnings. too many have been injured venturing out and caught in the rip currents.
  • PixieDust456
    It's always nice to step out and touch a light house. The area is not a great spot for young children that are not holding an adult hand...it could be very dangerous. Also, the ground is very uneven, so a wheelchair or walker would not really be an option.
  • CarmichaelVentura
    I'm glad we made it to Grand Haven. It's a big name for a little town but it oozes charm. The pier and lighthouse were very cool!
  • 967ricky
    You won't want to miss one of the most photographed lighthouses and the boardwalk that follows along the Grand River for a couple miles. The walk continues out to the end of the south pier where you can watch beautiful sunsets over Lake Michigan. At night, the catwalk lights run the entire length of the pier and are simply stunning. You don't want to miss this if you are in the Grand Haven area. Keep in mind though, the dangers of walking on the pier when waves are high, and when there is ice on it in the winter, make it a place to view from the shore.
  • country033
    We went to Grandhaven after dropping my daughter off in Allendale for choir rehearsal. I really just wanted to go see the lighthouse and the water keeping in mind this is in mid-November I don't very very cold day. We did go see the lighthouse we walked on the sand and snow in the beach and the wind was blowing about 40 miles an hour however it was still beautiful. We then entered the small town and a very small coffee shop where we watched all of the people come out to walk around this quaint little town with heated sidewalks. Looking forward to going back in warmer weather because I'm sure it's just the best little place on the west coast of Michigan.
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