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soos creek botanical garden

soos creek botanical garden

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 980Carlton
    This is a gardener's and photographer's and bird watcher's paradise! Simply amazing what 1 man can do planting over the course of 50 years! The garden paths meander through a rain garden (to filter run-off from the parking lot), past a duck pond where ducks and dragon flies and lily pads delight the viewer, down a double border, about 450 feet long, dropping down to Soos Creek, where 4 salmon runs happen in the late Fall. Can't forget to mention the enormous demonstration vegetable garden, where hundreds of pounds of fresh produce are donated to 2 Food Banks. Over 150 hardy fuchsias, magnolias, and roses lead into a stunning entry garden, reminiscent of years gone by with 100's of bulbs in the spring, roses, peonies and so much more. Trees, some quite rare, are a treat too. 150 Kalmia are the "signature" flower. Enjoy!
  • JoeJ52
    There is no charge for this, just donations if you wish. At first you may think as you pull up that this is a tiny botanical garden, this is deceptive as the garden runs deep and there is much to see. Great event to do and you could easily spend an hour to two
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