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sir reginald ansett transport museum

sir reginald ansett transport museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Wardystravels
    A must do experience if you're in Hamilton. Lots on display & lots of information for you to read. We enjoyed our time here as it is just fascinating to see how flight has evolved from very humble beginnings. I highly recommend a visit
  • PaulP299
    Now Reg Ansett is not a man I liked, much preferred his son Bob. However he was a pioneer and an incredible business man. He started small and ended up with an empire.The museum houses a lot of memorabilia including an early Aircraft used by Ansett as well as his Packard used for transporting customers. You will be amazed at the first ever mobile phone Reg had in his car. There is a video highlighting the Ansett story but no mention of him calling his "hosties" a bunch of old boilers! There is however a significant amount of space given to these wonderful ladies ( and later blokes). My only thought was "Did they really make them wear some of the awful uniforms?" Entry is cheap and memorabilia is for sale.
  • Alys-Schatzi
    As I had an uncle who was an Ansett pilot I was happy to visit this museum, which I'd not heard of until I visited Hamilton. There's a lot to look at, from large objects to do with plane and road transport to small items to do with staff uniforms. All ages should find something of interest, and I imagine children would learn a lot.
  • Vixenontour
    It made me quite sad visiting as an ex Ansett employee (those were the days), however I can highly recommend. The team of volunteers behind the museum are very enthusiastic and knowledgeable. There is some great items within the museum and I understand they are always looking for more items (note to everyone). This is a place to visit whilst in Hamilton
  • expatmelbourne
    Spent quite some time here- Sir Reginald being a local resident is well loved. Really interesting history from bus transport to air travel. Well worth a visit if passing through or stashing in Hamilton.
  • Liudmila110
    Я очень рекомендую посетить музей транспорта на Гамильтон. Где еще увидеть такую старину технику. Работники музея молодцы, видна забота и уход, на авто нет ни пылинки.
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