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abbey museum of art and archaeology

abbey museum of art and archaeology

  • 等级:4A
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  • chantal_dunbar
    It's a bit of a hike out to the museum but if you couple it with a trip to the Festival, it makes for a great day or weekend away.Each year, the museum stages the Medieval Fair on Bribie Island and everyone dresses up, there are jousting matches, a castle incursion and even medieval markets and a feast.The museum is small, bit the collection has been put together by passionate historians. my kids were around 10 when they attended and found it fascinating, as did I, so I'd recommend it as worthwhile.
  • kat_travel_Bris
    My brother, dad and myself go to the medieval festival every year and every year it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I hadn't been in about 2 years but decided to go this year and take my boyfriend along as well. When i started going there was only really the actors dressed up but now 3/4 of the visitors dress up as well. I have my costume set for next years one. its a little expensive to get in but its a great day out and an eye opener for some people. Since i have seen how much it has grown I will not be missing another one. I also saw the other day they now have a jousting tournament on the 15th of November this year in the same place since the joist was by far the most popular event at the medieval festival the line was over 100m long just for tickets.
  • geographyguy_11
    The Abbey Museum is very small but contains a magnificent if eclectic collection of artifacts recording the history of human civilization from the stone age to the 20th century. The collection is unrivaled in Australia but is let down by the circumstances of its ownership and display. Individual empires/eras are restricted to single display cases in a u-shaped route along with brief text explaining the culture and history in question. The whole museum can be seen quite quickly. The collection of stained glass in the adjacent church is underwhelming. A more accessible location, a bigger and better equipped venue and more resources for research would allow the Abbey to fulfill its massive but untapped potential.
  • haplocenta
    A pleasant museum that is a good stop on the way out to Bribie island. It has several nice displays an a few high quality displays. It sits next to a church with the oldest stained glass windows in Queensland.Once a year, in July the museum hosts The Abbey Medieval festival and the festival is excellent. The festival stretches over Saturday and Sunday with over thirty reenactor groups performing a wide range of shows, markets, taverns, jousting and a truly excellent event!
  • Seznz_72
    I haven't been to the Abbey Museum of Art and Archaeology however if the Medieval Festival they put on in July each year is anything to go by then the museum will be AMAZING!Finally, after 10 years of living in Brisbane, went to the Medieval Festival on the weekend and I wish I had gone earlier! The atmosphere was amazing, volunteers were incredibly helpful and the activities were awesome. Saw the castle siege, jousting and loads of other stalls and things happening around the place.I would highly recommend getting the weekend pass because one day is not enough to see and do everything. This was seriously one of the best things I have in Australia and highly recommend making time to go to the Medieval Festival.
  • MsLilyPonds
    It's a relatively small museum half way from the Sunshine Coast to Brisbane so don't expect 2000 exhibits - it does however contain an eclectic collection of genuinely interesting artifacts and bits and bobs from the Etruscans to the Victorians and everything in between - including an impressive stained glass chapel! Such an unexpected little gem! The real winner though is the annual Medieval festival. First time I went I was worried I was short on geek qualifications but it was just amazing - standing there, lamb shank in hand, child dressed as a knight chasing tiny damsels around while men in full armour jousted each other! SURREAL and thoroughly entertaining. My son had an absolute ball, and was HUNGRY to learn more about Medieval times - was all over it. Having seen a few medieval events in Europe (where this stuff actually came from) I must say, Abbey does it better. For anyone who loves history, culture, lamb or Game of Thrones, this is pretty much essential - and totally worth travelling to Queensland to see.
  • kk-ken
    The Abbey is certainly different, with fascinating origins and history. On display are varied and unusual exhibits donated by the most surprising people (including royalty). When I have visitors to Queensland I will include a visit here and it is always appreciated. Allow at least one hour, although my first visit I was probably there for two hours.
  • 匿名
    Taking three kids through (ages between 2-7), they all found something that sparked their interest, and the numbering system for exhibits made it easy to go all the way from Stone Age to the end. They had a lot of unique items that are a must-see.The gift shop is reasonably priced so there was no disappointed kids leaving it (many things under $5).
  • Globalurban
    This museum really astounded me. Expecting the norm of what would be guessed for a regional museum, my expectations were moderate however this museum would rival some of the good archaeological museums I've been to. Extremely informative where the museum takes you through the story of development of humans, and branching off to subcultures. I learned a lot. To see everything and read in detail, you will need about an hour and a half. Cost is 12 entry, 8.50 for students. Minimum eftpos is 10 so bring cash if you are a student. Staff were terrific as well. I highly recommend a visit here!
  • Yclept14
    Every year in July the museum holds an outdoor two day Medieval Festival. There is so much to do and see for all ages. Re-enactors live in encampments and cook, do battle, joust, parade, celebrate, dance and sell their wares. It's a chance for visitors to dress up in their best medieval finery. While you are at the festival you can visit the museum and the Abbey Church which has beautiful stained glass windows. There is a whole day's worth of things to do for a very reasonable price.
  • 340PeterB340
    There were 4 generations visiting in our group from 6yrs to 78yrs and we all found it interesting. The 6yr old said there were some creepy things. I particulary thought the range of cultures represented and the quality of displays was outstanding. We had a few things planned for the day and the one hour we allowed went too quickly.
  • Ilaeria
    The Abbey Museum is best known for the Medieval Tournament held in July each year, but even if you are visiting at other times the museum itself is well worthwhile. It's only about $8 entry for adults which is really cheap for such a well-curated collection. The collection includes some great pieces and is divided into 2 sections of British and World history and includes pieces donated by a Queen of England. The displays are well-designed and informative. Definitely worth spending an hour to browse. Unfortunately there is no cafe on site.
  • JaniceL481
    The museum is great with all the artefacts from medieval Europe. The best though is the Medieval Tournament they hold every year. I have been going since 2002 and I would not miss it. It is an absolute medieval experience with the re-enactment groups, jousting, market stall and heaps of entertainment. It is usually held early in July.
  • Angels_Are_Devious
    My family and I visited the Abbey Museum in Caboolture. It was very interesting. It is full of history of Western Europe dating back millions of yrs to more modern times.They also have tours and programs available. There is also a small gift shop to purchase from. I think it was around $8 per Adult.
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