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caboolture warplane museum

caboolture warplane museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 177DavidC
    A good museum to visit if old war planes and planes from the past are things you enjoy, this museum is in the process of moving to another hanger so a lot was packed up but the planes were there in their full glory to see, the Volunteers were very eager to show us around and tell stories about the planes all i can say is they were brave men to fly these old planes, well worth a visit if in the area, its at the Airport, there is usually a small fee to enter,
  • hyywes
    As a war plane lover myself, I couldn't ask for more.It's pretty small however everything is there for you to see in a compact museum.You get to see plane models from all sizes and even purchased some airplane souvenirs for memoirs. I went to ride in P 51 Mustang in addition to the visit and experience overall was breath taking!
  • Kiwibob739
    Small but interesting, good selection of aircraft, also go to hanger 106, Australian Vintage Aircraft Society, interesting aircraft also, some 1917 planes, Fokker EIII and Fokker D8 and collection of Gnome engines.
  • Elly25
    There is so much information and some amazing displays - including the cockpit of an F111, and an Iroquois helicopter. Boys toys, but very interesting exhibits.
  • ENZEDFamily
    My father - a WW2 RNZAF Corsair pilot - and I visited on the only rainy day we've had in Qld for months; we had to bellow at each to be heard!!:-)Anyway, we had a lovely time wandering about the exhibits - all if which are airworthy! - and the static displays marvelling at mans' ability to fly in general, and the ability of Australian industry to rise to the occasion when it was so desperately needed in particular. Bear on mind, we weren't kept away from the aircraft but could touch them and look into the nooks and crannies should we desire to do so, a most welcome development, I have to say!To look at the Wirraway and marvel at the cold courage required to fly these into combat against the Japanese when the result of said combat was inevitable, and then the Mustang built by CAC under licence, perhaps the most perfect piston engined aircraft ever built is sublime.Great fun... even in the pounding rain!!
  • 884nataliem
    I recently visited with my father and partner. It was much better than I thought it would be and we spent quite a while looking around. The museum is in a hangar and there are many full planes in there. A couple they let my partner sit in for photographs which was great. I understand that the people who run the place are volunteers, they are all very keen and enthusiastic. We also got to go outside and see some more old planes and also watch the planes take off as it is a public air strip. I am not really into planes and war, however I found this museum very interesting and informative and I know my father and partner had a great time also! You could spend hours of you read everything posted around the wall. Overall a great place to visit for a couple if hours.
  • 454rainerk
    This Museum is not like others, there are not just historic planes to watch at, you can actually fly with them!Warbird enthusiasts get the opportunity to take close-up pictures of their favourite and have a talk to the experienced operators.You can book a low priced scenic flight in a Cessna Birddog, or go for an unforgettable ride in a P-51 Mustang, which I did.
  • Steve-20166
    Alors la, quelle bonne surprise. Bon, certes pas évident à trouver car l'adresse est incomplète. Il faut aller au bout de aerodrome road, et pousser jusqu'à l'aérodrome. Ensuite c'est un "petit" hangar noyé au milieu de autres. Entrée pas onéreuse (10$), du bien beau et rare matériel à l'intérieur, moteurs divers, avions en état de vol ou non, et également possibilité de monter dans certains appareils moyennant quelques $ supplémentaires. Mais ce qui fait réellement la richesse de ce musée, c'est la connaissance et la passion avec laquelle les bénévoles vous racontes l'histoire. Encore merci à eux de nous avoir fait passer un si bon moment. À recommander sans hésita.
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