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la piedra escrita

la piedra escrita

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • IvanL_12
    Went with the family and was very impressed with the beautiful surroundings. Took some nice photos and videos of the written rock and the river. The rock has carvings on it supposedly made by ancient Indians of the zone. Very interesting.
  • Mystic_Flower_SPA
    Ok, this is another thing! The sights,the sounds, everything connects you with something higher... We like to visit La Piedra on "low season" so we can enjoy it to the most. Good thing they close the Lechonera/Bar up in the parking lot. Sorry for the owners, but that distrupt the natural environment you find in there. We prefer to hear the laughter of the people and like to see them enjoy one of our nature's gift...
  • daviones
    One of the best wonderful places that i've visited! The historical valor of this place is impresive. You can view here a little bit sample of the big Taino indians legacy. The gyeroglifics on this rock are very preserve is a beautiful place for visit with all the family. Is prefered that you use sneakers beacuase is a river a have rocks and you can slip! Is place is located in the center of Puerto Rico, is a long trail from San Juan but is a nice experience. In this trip also you can visit the 'cemi' museum in where you look a lot of taino pieces. Is very near at same road.
  • Sandrinaav
    This is a beautifully-kept nature walk. The paths are easy, the vistas relaxing, and the rock itself and the river are powerful. Do be careful trying to touch the water- the rocks are very slick with moss. But the feeling is baptismal.
  • Naboria62
    The location of the big rock is a little walk thru a 'tablado".... Beautiful taino designs inscripted on the rock... Too bad there is a business near by....
  • armandoh901
    Get there is really easy. On the free parking are a real nice restaurant. Walk down hungry or full is up to you. You get to pick go down using stair or using the wooded ramp that made your way down a piece of cake. Rest area or look out area on your way down. Finally at the stone first thing you will notice is Indian scription on the side. Is up to you the next part. Jump from the rock. Get your feet wet or just swim around and cool off. Be part of the past by having fun in the present.
  • marichico
    You can walk down and stand on the big rock , wet your feet and take photos right there in the river is a very good expirience for everyone. Dont miss it.
  • boricuaGurabo
    Es un gran monumento natural (en piedra) ubicada en el Rio Coabey de Jayuya; una roca que posiblemente 500 a 700 años fue el pizarrón de expresión de los indios Tainos entre los primeros habitantes de Puerto Rico. La piedra tiene varios dibujos tallados en la piedra (petroglifos) sobre figuras de animales y otros. La roca forma una tina de agua que convierte el lugar, en sitio obligado para darse un buen chapuzón. Para llegar, el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad creo hace unos años un paseo tablado que hace accesible el lugar, ya que el mismo era difícil de acceder por sus pendientes. Disfrutelo!
  • dmejias40
    Excelente para el disfrute familiar se siente rico admirar a mi P.R. es bellooooo mi gente disfrutenlo
  • 177danr
    El lugar es hermoso. El paseo tablado para el acceso a la Piedra se encuentra muy bien cuidado. El lugar invita a la aventura.
  • 359edwina
    Excelente lugar para una travesia natural para toda la familia. Interesante ver los petroglificos diferentes en la gran roca. La roca se convierte en un tobogan para caer en la piscina natural.
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