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museo el cemi

museo el cemi

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • IvanL_12
    Nice but needs maintenance of the facilities both outside and inside. Could be improved by showing some kind of simple movie or provide other amenities.
  • olegdc
    Unfortunately museum was closed, But I do like design of the building. Taino Indian style, there is coffee Hacienda near by, has good coffee.
  • Naboria62
    Beautiful setting and easy access. Great collection of Taino and indigenous artifacts. Enjoy the view of the mountains....
  • armandoh901
    This Indian history museum is located at the Canales State area. Walk inside and take as many picture as you want. Indian artefacts and map of the places they where recover. Different place to visit in the center of the island
  • marichico
    Very small but interesting collection. And the area around it is like a park for family visit. There is a small donation as entracefee.
  • reinald0h
    Lack of road signs leading to the facility. Should make people aware of early closing hours (4PM). Not all facilities were open the weekend we went there.
  • wluz
    It's sad to see that a museum that has so much potential, is forgotten and lacking a lot of things, that should be there. Entrance should be free, but they must pay the person in charge of opening the doors to it. It was a rainy day and it was wet inside, although its a very interesting structure, need maintenance.
  • CynBradbury
    This was a bonus stop for us, museum was only $1.5 per person so we walked through, it wasn't big but had artifacts and descriptions throughout about the Taino culture, there was also a petroglyph wall that had different symbols once used by the Taino. You won't be here long maybe 20 min stop, there was also a gift shop although we found it by chance after walking through the property (it's located in the long building at the end)
  • wama1998
    El museo cemi es un area muy acojedora y de interes, muy en especial para llevar ninos . El lugar es cerca de la Casa Canale, Parador Gripinas, La Piedra Escrita y una Hacienda. Accesible y buen estacionamiento. tienen descuentos para adultos amyores.
  • boricuaGurabo
    Es una estructura en forma de Cemi (semi dios cultura indígena en PR) en cuyo interior hay un museo de piezas indígenas/Tainas. Ubica en complejo cultural CEDETRA donde ubica también la Casa Canales.
  • dmejias40
    Un lugar lindo y educativo para toda las edades, un museo acogedor cn mucha informacion de nuestros indios tainos
  • 177danr
    El lugar ilustra de manera excelente la cultura Taina. El local en forma de cemi llama la atencion y es una excelente foto en familia.
  • KhadihjaR
    El museo esta bien bonito, es pequeño. Tiene Buena information. Los alrededor es son muy bonitos. El parking es gratis.
  • nonethr
    El lugar es muy bonito, limpio y cultural. Nos encanto....lo recomendamos!!Hasta nuestra mascota se lo gozo!!
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