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gubbini winery

gubbini winery

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 904kellij
    Although the wine was ok we did not feel welcome in this winery. It was almost as if we were imposing on the owner. She also only offered one sample. We enjoyed many wineries but this was not one of them.
  • Gust02
    Friendly proprietor related the story of wine-making being part of the family tree as we enjoyed this quiet tasting room with delightful wines. Well worth a stop!
  • 643nicoleb
    The woman who owns this winery was nice at first, then turned very cold. She only gave us to 2 tastings and had limited supplies for everything since she was going to an event the next weekend. We asked to taste a wine that was almost empty and she didn't want to open another bottle so she gave us half of a tasting pour which was so small that we couldn't even really taste it. She was giving us weird looks and her tone was annoyed, we ended up leaving and not buying anything even though we really liked one of her wines. She was just too rude to give her any business. Every place we went to we bought at least one bottle except for this place. If she was more friendly and not so stingy, we wouldn't have bolted so quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if this happens to her often and she doesn't understand why. We will not be visiting this winery again.
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