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sassafras boutique

sassafras boutique

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • otisskavier
    My wife and I happened upon a store called Sassafras Boutique while visiting friends around Sealy. While my wife loved the shopping, I really enjoyed the history of the building it was housed in, the Preibisch Building. The owner was putting the back portion up for lease while we were there and was happy to give us a mini tour of the place. A placard on the outside explained a little of the history behind the building. We were also told about some of the music videos that were shot there back in the day. The building looks like it came straight out of an old western movie. You can step out of the door and picture the town as it was when it was built, ready for a high noon duel. The store itself was full of a variety of unique boutique items and fun gifts for us to take back to friends. It's a neat thing to see. Worth a stop for any history buff, or if you're just looking for a unique, local store.
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