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mckinney repertory theatre

mckinney repertory theatre

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • hannon_TX
    My wife and I saw a production last Friday evening and really enjoyed it. I was looking for something different for a date night and this fit the bill perfectly. They've done a nice job with the theater and you can tell it's a labor of love for those folks. We saw Lend Me a Tenor along with probably 30 other patrons and we really enjoyed it. If you're looking for something new and different to do with your significant other, give the Theatre a try.
  • ShelleyS71
    My boys and I make it a yearly trip to see "A Christmas Carol" here. I love the small home town feeling of the theatre and the actors do a really good job. Everyone here treats you like you have been friend for ever. I hope they continue to have this because it is a family tradition for the boys and I.
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