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kristy murphy's siren surf adventures

kristy murphy's siren surf adventures

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  • MonikaThomann
    I just spend a week in Jupiter, Florida with Kristy and Cat for a SUP camp. The camp was amazing and I learned a lot. Every day we did a different paddle trip and I got more and more inputs how to become a better paddler. They showed me a lot of technics, eg how to do fast turns (next fast turn 1 of July, if the weather here in Switzerland is warm enough as I will spend more time in the water then on the board till I get it!).They also know the birds and the different fishes (and they will point them out to you) and we even saw some manatees and a lot of turtles.We had some great BBQ at their place and as Kristy is from Jupiter I got to know a lot of nice restaurants for lunch and dinner.Unfortunately in 2015 I won't have time to go on the Bahamas trip, but if there is an other one in 2016 I will be going!If you would like to SUP and spend a week get better at it and also have lots of fun, I really can recommend a SUP camp with Kristy and Cat, they are amazing!
  • amandaf877
    I had my first surf camp experience with Kristy Murphy's Siren Surf Adventures in May, 2014, in Pavones, Costa Rica. A good friend of mine, who had attended a few camps with Kristy and Cat in the past, invited me to go with her. I had surfed most of my childhood on short boards and was fairly experienced in the water so I thought it would be nice to surf with women but didn't expect to learn much in the way of surfing as I had been surfing since before these ladies were born. I knew we would be longboarding which seemed very easy to me though I had never longboarded in my life. After a safety review, we paddled out and my education was about to begin though I didn't know it at the time. Kristy and Cat opened a whole new world to me and ever so gently let me know I had a lot to learn about the sport. It started with the basics and gradually moved towards the finer points of long boarding during that week in Costa Rica. Being from a world where there is very little talking out in the water and even less teaching, it was strange to hear Kristy and Cat offering me constant instruction. At first I was thinking there was too much talking but Kristy's unbridled enthusiasm laced with her sense of humor and Cat's understated, laid-back persona finally broke me down until I was paddling out after taking a wave and looking forward to their commentary. My initial goal of simply surfing side by side with other women surfers gave way to the realization of how lucky I was to be surfing next to two world-class surfers who were both gifted instructors with patience for a overly-cofident ex-short boarder who had no previous use for long boarding. I was immediately humbled when I watched these two surf - Cat with her infinite knowledge of the ocean (I learn something new every time she talks about the water), wave knowledge, and surfing ability and Kristy who is grace personified on a longboard. They gauged my ability (and over-confidence) and went from there. Kristy told me I would be cross-stepping by the end of the week and even though I had no clue what that was, I was cross-stepping by the end of the week. They pushed me but never too much and I left Costa Rica with a deep respect for long boarding and probably a changed person. When I got home and people asked me how it was, I described it as "a game-changer". I have now completed two surf camps and have surfed with campers of all abilities from experienced to absolute beginners who were very new to being in the ocean. Kristy and Cat handled every camper individually and as was in my case, every camper was already signing up for another camp. Kristy and Cat are that good. The surfing isn't even the most impressive part of their camps; Kristy and Cat adore each of the camp locations (Costa Rica, Mexico, Hawaii, etc.) and want the campers to love these places as much as they do. In Costa Rica, we hiked, were constantly on sloth patrol, came to know the nicest people, and ate the best food. In Waikiki I was eating fish heads with the locals who welcomed us with open arms and the next minute surfing huge waves in a 4-woman outrigger canoe. Around every corner, there is an unexpected surprise. All the while, Kristy and Cat give of themselves tirelessly yet make it seem effortless. They are the perfect yin and yang combo and are an absolute joy to hang with. It's impossible not to love the experience and even more impossible not to sign up for the next camp on the spot. The only bad part of this camp is saying goodbye to them - it's a dark day and when I start counting the days until the next Siren Surf Adventure. ~Amanda Amberson Freeman
  • Diannetiernan
    This was the first SUP retreat I have attended and it exceeded my expectation. Kristy and Cat both were exceptional coaches and island hosts. From the moment I arrived I felt like family. We went to beautiful beaches all over the island to SUP and had excellent meals at places only the locals would know about. The accommodations was beautifully located on the beach. I cannot wait to go back. I cannot imagine booking an SUP adventure with another company.
  • 597clairem
    Kristy & Cat offer a superb surfing experience whether you are experienced or just learning. From dry land drills, to hands on coaching in the water to analyzing video footage I got the best leap of improvement in my own surfing after 30 years of paddling out. I did their Costa Rica. Pavones camp April 2014 & had the best time staying in great accommodations, great food, felt like a local being with them(they know everyone!), explored the rainforest & got some of the best & longest waves of my life. Plan to surf with them every year in their other camps too. Go!
  • 986sw
    I had the opportunity to meet and watch Kristy and her friends surf in Pavones Costa Rica this month and she is amazing. She has so much energy and is a joy to be around. Her surfing is breathtaking, graceful and such a treat to watch. I look forward to meeting her again next year in Pavones. Shawn
  • DulceVidaENyc
    Traveling with Kristy Murphy & Cat Slatinsky is an experience not to be missed if you want to learn how to surf, improve your skills and have a fun-filled, laid back vacation! I have never felt in better hands in the water than when surfing with Kristy & Cat (2 surf trips to Hawaii & 1 SUP trip to Bahamas). I've gone to other surf camps in Costa Rica and Mexico, and taken surf lessons in Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, NY, FL - and Kristy & Cat are by far the most attentive instructors and make a true effort to turn you into a surfer rather than to just catch a bunch of waves in a day. Plus, they carefully select the best surf locations and great accommodations -- and they will entertain you in & out of the water with other activities all day & night long. And because they only travel with small groups, best to sign up early (and often!) - just do it!!
  • sonjas341
    I totally recommend this camp from the wanna be surfer to those that just want to refine their surf skills. The Playa Saladita left point break is amazing - the wave just goes on and on. And it’s pretty evident that Kristy and Cat have the total respect of the local surf crowd making it a really agro-free surf experience for their guests. This is an example where those that can, CAN teach too; both Kristy and Cat are amazing surfers and excellent coaches. They match you up with the appropriate board and provide great immediate feedback as well video analysis. They stress both surf skills and surf etiquette. Their teaching style is totally conducive to learning and retaining the knowledge. The beach front accommodation at La Chuparosa was perfect with great views, comfortable beds and super friendly staff. And there was no worries about the food – there was amazing home cooking and Cat and Kristy have the local restaurant scene totally dialed. There really isn’t any place better to learn to surf than at Kristy Murphy’s Siren Surf Adventures. I look forward to heading back there.
  • LLyMi
    All other surf camps I have been to are based in a fixed location. This is the only one I've encountered that offers the advantage of choosing between different destinations (Mexico, Costa Rica, Hawaii) to experience a variety of surf communities and types of surf breaks. Not to mention that each location chosen has excellent quality waves for learning and progressing. I've been a "vacation surfer" for about 4 years now and surfing with Kristy and Cat has helped me immensely. I have done several trips with them and am looking forward to the next one in January 2013. They have the experience and expertise to effectively teach at any level. And they have great knowledge of each location where they hold their surf retreats, so they know which spots are best for their clients' learning at any given time, and with any given weather and wave conditions. They have a personal interest in their guests having a great vacation, and I've always felt safe and in good hands when on one of their trips. The equipment is of great quality, they always seek out the best local places to eat, and there are variety of non-surfing activities as well (massage and yoga are regular offerings, and others depend on the location: e.g. horseback riding in Mexico, nature hikes in Costa Rica, outrigger canoe rides and surf history seminars in Hawaii). It's a rare opportunity to be taught by former professional surfers and I feel lucky to have been able to experience this. If you want to learn to surf (or progress your surfing) in a fun, relaxed and positive environment, I would highly recommend their trips.
  • Becky964
    I've been to Kristy's Mexico surf camp two years in a row, and hope to make it an annual tradition! It is truly one of the highlights of the year and I can't wait to get back down there. The beach is great, the waves always fun, and the lodging is perfectly located right on the beach just a few steps from the break. Did I mention the food? Well, it's damn good too from the simple breakfasts to the amazing Mexican spreads the local husband-wife team prepare each evening. Kristy and Cat really think about each and every detail and at the same time make you feel like you are on a trip with a small group of your good friends. They are fantastic surf coaches and easily adapt their instruction whether it's your first time in the water or if you are an intermediate that wants to advance.
  • AnneVW
    If you've always wanted to become a surfer girl, I highly recommend Kristy's surf adventures. I started surfing about a year ago when I was 45 and I fell in love with it. I've been to 3 of Kristy's surf camps, 2 in Hawaii and 1 in Mexico, and I'll be going back for my 4th in Mex this winter. Kristy and Cat really have the whole experience dialed in. Great surfing, accommodations, food and fun activities. You can go at whatever pace suits you and meet some really great people. You won't just check it off your bucket list, you'll develop a deep love of the ocean and do more than you ever thought you were capable of.
  • HellerenG
    This was such a great trip!! I'm planning on going back to the Mexico trip in 2013 again. First off, I was a woman traveling alone to Mexico where Cat greeted us @ the airport. I was in safe hands from there on out, they took care of everything. My experience was unbelievable, Kristy & Cat couldn't have been better @ just being great & fun & making it like we'd been friends forever. It was a perfect way to learn to surf or ride a longer break in warm water (been practicing in Santa Cruz...brrrr!!). The best company I could have imagined, I highly recommend.
  • CarieLeighton
    This year started off with a bang at your Mexico surf camp. A lot of people mentioned safety before I even departed Austin, but I wan't concerned. I was greeted at the airport by Cat and we headed to Chuparosa. Our surf safari accommodations were spectacular! The ocean views from my bedroom were breathtaking and the outdoor patio was a great place to relax in the evenings. This location is special because we didn't have to drive or walk far to catch waves. I loved that you could just grab your board and walk a few 100 yards and start catching waves. Kristy and Cat also introduced us to all the locals and showed us the best places to eat in this small, quant village. I hadn't surfed in about 3 years so I was nervous if I'd even be able to catch waves again. By day two I was off the foam board and on a big kid board. These two ladies have the patience of saints and truly understand how to teach women how to surf. I can't imagine ever wanting to go to another surf camp Mexico.I can't wait to book my next trip! http://www.sirensurfsupyoga.com/SirenSurfAdventures/surfing-retreats/mexico/mexico-surf-camp
  • AnitaH175
    Kristy Murphy's Surf Camp should be your first choice if you want to learn to surf or if you already surf and are looking to improve. You're surf experience will be amazing. Not only will you surfing improve but you'll days and nights will be filled with fun, excitement and meeting friends that you'll have for a long, long time. I've been to several of Kristy's camps in Mexico, Bahamas and Hawaii. Each one has been different and fun filled. Kristy and Cat are a great pair and work hard to make sure every minute you are having the time of your life during your fun-filled, action packed week. I look forward to meeting some of the friends I've met in the past and can't wait to meet the new women that want to join in with Kristy Murphy's Siren Surf Adventures. I plan to do at least 1 trip next year and wish I could do 3 or 4....Surfs Up!!!
  • jackieh25
    I've been to several of Kristy Murphy's Siren Surf Adventures in HI, Mexico and Pavones, CR. It's the best experience whether you are a beginner and just want to have fun taking your first shot at surfing or if you are dedicated to becoming a better surfer. Kristy and Cat go above and beyond to make sure that eveyone is having a great time, meeting their surfing aspirations and experiencing the true culture of the area. If your a foodie your in luck there too because they know the best local spots of each area. I've done several surf camps by myself and it's been a great opportunity to form some life long friends. I also highly recommend bringing your friends on a surf adventure. Gaureenteed they will hvae a fantastice time.
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