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lendonwood gardens

lendonwood gardens

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • budgettraveler52
    We didn't have the opportunity to stay as long as would be recommended to really enjoy all the lovely flowers, trees and plantings that are there to view. But we do plan to go back the next time we have company to share the beauty of this place.
  • michaelm854
    I believe this place was started by a doctor who had a love for plants and it has matured nicely! I also think it is one of the only true botanical gardens in that 4 state area, really worth the visit. They now have a dedicated group of volunteers who take very good care of the garden and it shows. They have a wide variety of mature plants, places for weddings and pictures and many areas to just sit and enjoy the lovely songbirds and beautiful surroundings. When you go make sure you also visit Har-Ber village.5.00 admission to be dropped in the little box.Extremely quiet...:) Great place to go, relax and read a good book while listening to the water features.Better in the spring when more things are blooming, can be pretty hot and stifling in the dog days of summer. Take some water when you go...:)
  • kmiggiani
    The garden is on the way to Har Ber Village, a mile away from the highway.. The main metal gate was closed, you need to pull it out from the hook, to avoid the deer or wild animals to get in. $5 donation, put into the red mail box on the right side. Can't give you a change if you only have a $10 or $20 bill, cause nobody at the door. Get the map on the pavilion on the left and start your own self guided tour. The garden is a mature one, very shady, beautifully landscaped and nice walkway. The azalea garden is on the left side. There is a private residence next to it (they rented it out), the Angel of Hope garden is behind that house. Nice japanese garden with the pond. This summer as fundraising, they sell some Iris rhizomes, it was in the buckets along the wooden fence. $1 per rhizomes. Bring exact money, can't give you a change. Very nice selections, ps: If mosquito love you, please spray your body with repellent before you walk in.
  • wildcat072518
    One of my favorite stories as a child was The Secret Garden and this is a magical secret garden. My father-in-law has lived in Grove for three years wasn't aware of the garden and it is less than a mile from his home. Admission to the Garden is a five dollar donation which is collected on the honor system. The garden is maintained by volunteers. I would like to return to photograph in the spring. If I lived in Grove I would enjoy being one of the volunteers that makes this garden a retreat.
  • Marshah882
    Other than it being extremely hot (August), when we visited these gardens, we really enjoyed our tour. Talked with the grounds keeper and got some "inside" information. Smaller than some gardens we've visited but we would like to visit again in the Springtime.
  • 904dh
    a very serene garden with ravenous fish that you can feed. Nice walking paths. Garden is easy to locate. Admission is a donation of your choice.
  • jessica82oklahoma
    Six acres of beauty! Huge collection of rhododendron, dogwoods, Japanese maples, hostas, conifers, viburnums, daylilies and much more. There is an Angel Of Hope garden, Azalea gardens, Japanese tea house and koi pond. It's very accessible, admission is by suggested donation.
  • 457JohnS457
    Lendonwood Gardens features a beautifully landscaped garden open to the public from dawn to sunset with a Japanese tea house pavilion available for events such as weddings, etc. The tea house has a small pond filled with 300 fish ready to be fed during any visit. A special Angel of Hope sculpture garden creates a still, quiet area for reflection. The Azalea Garden, when in bloom, is filled with fragrant odors and beautiful colors. An Oklahoma Garden features native plants. Nice paths and quiet walkways take you around and through a well kept and colorful garden. Maintained by volunteers, there is no entry fee, but a $5 per car donation is suggested. A trail map helps you guide your visit. I was there with a group of artist who came to sketch and draw. In my 2-hr say I took 200 photos of which many I hope will later become paintings. Take the time to stop in an look around. You won't have wasted your time and you'll be a little be calmer for the trip.
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