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werner-boyce salt springs state park

werner-boyce salt springs state park

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Away2long
    We didn't really use the park, just drove in and saw a few cars indicating to us that others must be using the trails. There was no obvious information available for visitors. Entrance fee was $3.
  • byronn310
    If you are looking for a place to hike or a place to walk this may be for you. But ... one of the trails when we were there was under water so we had to turn back and then we walked around and came in from the other way we again wound up walking back. It appears to be a work in progress. Fun for a quick walk but not something I would go back for except for it was close to where we were staying. There is a $3 fee to enter the park so you may wish to also consider that when you make your decision. I'm glad we went and will check it out again in a couple of years. They have been working on this for at least three years so far and it likely will take longer than that to finish the work that needs to be done.
  • NeilF20
    It's not a huge attraction but it is a nice place to walk. Not sure if dogs are allowed but believe so - we took ours in big kept him on a leash.
  • MJGoldfarb
    We entered using the US 19 entrance (just north of Walmart). A large area & trail were closed off for construction so we didn't spend much time here. Check the Florida state park website for several other entrances. Once completed this should be a great place to hike, fish & do bird watching. (Port-a-potty available)
  • BPYC
    That about says it all. Really shouldn't be charging to visit this park which is on the southern end of the state land here which stretches north to the channel at Signal Cove. Great for the flora and fauna because it is so inaccessible and at the times people are interested in viewing Eagles the trails are closed to protect them. Good for the eagles as it should be; so really we should close this off as it was before and let nature get on with its life. It is a great area for kayaking but difficult to get to the water. There are I think four access points to this area. Two at the main or southern section and one off of Scenic drive, and another behind the Flea Market in Bayonet Point.
  • bluecookies
    Earlier today I drove over with my dad on a reconnoissance mission of sorts to see if this park was worthy to come back to with the rest of our family. We got our answer!We drove into the newest section which is the main entrance. Being this is a state park, the entrance fee is $3. It is a self-pay on your honor station, which is fine, but once you deposit your money, there is no pass to take, no receipt as a proof of purchase. In fact, as we later found, in our opinion, they shouldn't be charging anything right now.After paying our money we drove down the road and began to pass a small parking area until we realized, that's all there was. A small parking lot with a couple old picnic tables... and that's about it. We couldn't figure out where the rest of the park was. We found out there were some other entrances so we went to check those out. Unfortunately, they had even less to offer. The main entrance is still under construction that can be seen. Even once completed this park will offer very little... a kayak launch, trails and picnic tables. No playground, no restrooms, no swimming, no beach, no picnic shelters, no plans to put any in! It's a huge area of protected land.I don't mind paying a few bucks for a nice park, but $3 is truly a rip off here! I just don't get it. Perhaps once this park is complete it might be nicer, but if it is I think it will only be marginal. There are many nicer parks with more to offer for less money. Go to Jay B. Starkey, James Grey Preserve or one of the many others, but don't waste your time and money at Werner-Boyce Salt Springs.I've included a few pictures you can see for yourself.If you found this review helpful, please let me know by clicking the button below! I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!
  • AaronS781
    I'm wondering if these people went to the same place I did.......First of all, it's $3 to enter, every other park in the County is $2, even with beach, fishing piers, fenced dog parks, bathroom facilities, grills, etc, this place has NONE of those, so why would it be $1 more??Secondly, when you pull in there are 2 signs on opposites sides of the parking lot, one says "nature trail", the other say's "eagle trail". There is a map post on a peg board, but none of the trails are marked on the map, so it's useless.I took the "nature trail" with my dog. 100ft into the walk, there's a sign that says "spring trail", so I took a left onto that trail. After about a quarter mile I come to a barricade that says "environmentally protected area", "do not enter". So I'm like Ok, well how do I get to the spring, lol. So I kept going past the sign anyways, only to encounter a flooded trail I could not pass and was forced to turn around. It had rained 3 day's prior, but before that it had not rained for at least a week, leading me to believe the area was flooded, but not by rain water, so basically I never got to see any spring or anything for that matter. Turned around and went back to "nature trail", got about a quarter mile again only to come to another flooded area that I could not pass, so we turned around and walked back to the car.Then we decided well lets take the "eagle trail". Shortly into the walk there was a gate saying do not enter. Kept going and encountered yet another gate saying "do not enter", so ended up just looping around back to the car. Pointless trail.There was a 3rd trail that was also blocked that was designated a construction site and they were clearly building a wooden walkway to somewhere, but again, there was no sign saying what it was, where it went, or when it would be finished, only a "do not enter" sign.So basically none of the trails went anywhere. They were either barricaded or flooded.There was no bathroom, only 1 portolet. No grills, no picnic tables, no pavilions, no map, no running water, no nothing. Yet it's $3, $1 more than any other park in Pasco County. So I would like a refund please. How can you charge admission to an unfinished Park. Oh and this park opened over a year ago. Yeah. Thanks Rick Scott, glad I could donate to your campaign fund.
  • stephenp514
    Werner-Boyce is a good place to protect the enviroment, but I'm not sure why the State wants to protect this land. Nothing much there. My wife is a birder and the day we were there, she wasn't satisfied. It was rainy, however.
  • GaryR250
    We enjoyed the short hiking trails but the highlight of our visit was seeing the eaglets in their nest through the telescope of another visitor. Unfortunately we did not see the mother eagle. This is a new park which is not yet well marked or signed . However the ranger there was a wonderful young man who was most helpful explaining matters related to the eagles and other park details.
  • realflorida
    One of Florida's newest additions to the state park system, this coastal beauty is a mecca for paddlers and photographers. Tucked behind the Gulfview Square Mall more than 4000 acres of coastal fresh/salt marsh estuary system beckons to be explored by any adventuresome soul. New entrance, walking trails, and according to the park ranger new kayak launch and restroom and overlook facilities are in the near future. Visit now, and visit again when the service and their volunteer Friends group improve access to this spectacular piece of the Real Florida.
  • lspencer09
    We live in Florida and were looking for something to do for the day with out driving very far. I don't want to say this is a park not worth going to, it's is, IF you live in the area and want to take a few short strolls through "Natural Florida". What it's not is a destination visit! There is not a great water view (unless you own a kayak and launch it from the park). There are no outlook towers or boardwalks. It really only offers a few spread out trails most that are 1/2 mile or less each. There are a few "entrances", none with very noticeable signage. Entrance fee $3.00 (cash only). There are way too many parks in Florida that offer a whole lot more.
  • Ephesis
    I've been several times with my dogs. Dogs have to be leashed which is how I walk them anyway. There are trails to walk and it's beautifully located on the water to the west side. There are benches to sit on, picnic tables and plenty of shade. If you pay close attention, you'll easily find an eagles nest! The wildlife is amazing AND the plant life is awesome. The trails are so relaxing and mostly shaded by trees. There's a natural spring with a depth of over 300 feet. Such a relaxing and quiet experience. There is also a launch area for Kayacs. Eventually there will be nature trails that will run up into Hudson! Really excited about this park!
  • MikeW980
    This is a fine park to visit, parking is very nice,one parking lot is off of Scenic Dr,Port Richey,another is at the west end of State Road 52,in Hudson. and the Main Gate is off of US 19,just north of Ridge Rd in Port Richey,there is restroom facilites at the park,the Park takes up about 4 miles of coastline along the Gulf of Mexico,there is fishing and a kayak launch and picnic tables in the park,and very nice walking trails as well,great place to view wildlife and dolphins.it is Florida nature at it's best.the park fee is on the honor system,at the Scenic Dr and Main Gate parking lots,$3.00 for cars, and $2.00 for walkers/bikes
  • FaithB889
    Beautiful pristine park. Awesome for kayaking to head north or a little south west to durney key. Easy access, a charm in Port Richey.
  • MaiL707
    This park is a nice little hideaway. There really isn't much to do here but fish and just relax. I come here to just get away from everyone and be silent.
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