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lincoln trail state park

lincoln trail state park

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • decker123
    Went to the park early on a Friday morning in Sept. There were a few campers, but park was pretty quiet. The lake-front area around the restaurant was pretty and you can rent paddle boats there. The restaurant wasn't open while we were there, so can't comment on the food. Went to the longer walk in the woods - the trail goes through the hardwoods and down into the ravine. It had rained the previous night and was a little soggy in places. Trail is marked but was overgrown in some areas. Best to use some bug spray on this trail. It is mostly shaded. We did see a deer on the walk. This is a pretty park with well tended campgrounds and picnic areas that surround a reservoir. It's only a couple miles off US 70 and is easy to find. Glad to have a place to get outside and move after a long drive to Marshall, IL. There is no cost to enter the park and there is a ranger house with maps as you enter. The ranger was driving in and asked if we had any questions and wished us a good visit.
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