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piney creek ravine - state natural area

piney creek ravine - state natural area

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • caimi
    The Illinois DNR and other private groups have preserved a piece of time past near Chester Illinois. Pine Creek Ravine . A beautiful nature preserve which gives a hiker enough hill climbing, creek scrambling and nature viewing to make a wonderful day trip. It is especially gorgeous in late October. But the added bonus is the Native American Art which, without too much exploration, can be found on the rock bluffs of Piney Creek. This art dates to AD450-900 and is a trip back in time in the quiet, peaceful setting of Piney Creek Ravine. A must hike for the outdoors enthusiast and history seeker.
  • 445lesliet
    Looks are deceiving, when first entering this hike. At the parking area, you have a good half mile of a grass lane, with farm fields, then you turn to the right where it opens up, you go down, and down and cross a creek, and more down. At the bottom you can either go along the trail which takes you back up, also has access to the petraglyphs (Indian rock art).Or you can hike the bottom of the ravine, Don't worry, you will catch the trail as it crosses the creek again. If summer time, I really recommend the bottom. If winter, then you can look down from the top of the trail.When inside, you lose track of the fact you are in Illinois, and really think you are out in the mountains.
  • jamieB189
    So worth going to visit time and time again....such wonders! The Park department really maintain the place,,not so much you can't enjoy yourself....it is worth the trip to see....bring the whole family and friends
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