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return to the 50s museum

return to the 50s museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • KrisV769
    Seligman is one of those stops that you can either happenstance or you plan. In our case, we planned it. Somewhere in my reading I read that this sleepy little town was used to model the movie Cars. The town is still living the 50's and the great days of Route 66. Much to ogle over, the town is an outside museum. Park your car and walk the four blocks to get from one end to the other. The little things you will see in your walk will make it worth your time. Start at the far west side and make your way past the gas station where you will find the sheriff car sitting out front. Signs don the doors and windows. Look inside cars and be surprised. Humor can been seen everywhere, even the roof. Stop at the many gift shops and you will find affordable treasures for everyone in your family. I saw a cute bag for $16. Unfortunately, it was Saturday night after 5pm and many places were already closed! Stop by the ice cream shop. Enjoy the thousands of messages from all over the world in every possible language hanging from every part of the small shop. The back side of this shop is filled with old cars, trucks, and even a phone booth! We ran into tourists speaking German(?) and taking copious pictures. Afterward, drive over to WIlliams and check out the zip line or the trains. Enjoy a taste of the old west!
  • gadgetguy63
    Stopping through the Return to the 50s Museum was a fun and nostalgic treat on our drive out west. If you've never gotten off the beaten path to check out route 66, this 50s museum is a great place to start. Seligman is just off I-40 as well so it's an easy and convenient detour as well as being lots of fun.
  • NRMedlin
    They have some of the best prices on the whole Route and the owner Maryanne is so friendly and helpful! This is one of the places we never miss stopping at when we are travelling Route 66. They have a great selection of the Route 66 luggage and delightful tee-shirts and so many other things! Stop by and see Maryanne, you won't be sorry!
  • 222guyc
    We arrived in Seligman with limited time available to see everything we wanted to see, but we managed to spend a few minutes checking out the "Return to the 50s Museum". I have forgotten the name of the proprietor, but she was very friendly and helpful. This was the first shop that I found with the magnetic Route 66 sign that I could put on my car. Unfortunately, she only had one in stock and said she did not plan to order any more. But when I bought the only one in stock and mentioned I wanted another, she immediately made a note to order another, just for me, based on my assertion that I "might" be back in three weeks. I made it clear that I may or may not be back, but that did not matter. Just the fact I said I might was enough for her to order one for me. We probably spent about 30 minutes shopping and talking before moving along to the next destination.
  • donalds388
    If you have seen the movie CARS then you have found were the movie came from, a real good time and super people!! enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
  • m1stralgagnant
    Génial, rien à dire de plus. L'endroit est super, l'accueil y est chaleureux, la dame à même offert un passeport de la toute 66 à ma fille. Ça change des arrêts arrosés par les bus de tourisme plus haut sur la route. L'endroit veut le coup d'œil. On y trouve des souvenirs pour toute la famille sans trop se sentir arnaqué par un attrape-gogo comme on peut trouver sur la route. Bref à ne pas rater !!!!!!!!!
  • paluc92
    Faites une pause à Seligman pour ressentir la route 66 et faire un retour dans les années 60.Le reste de la route 66 vers Kingman est sans intérêt particulier
  • Reglisse33
    Un autre "gift shop" à la déco délirante! Ici on trouve de tout........ou presque..........Souvenirs, souvenirs......
  • ThiagoGonzalez
    Prepare sua máquina pra fotografar carros antigos e placas de todos os estados dos estados unidos. Preços da loja de presentes podem ter desconto negocie direto no caixa.
  • ReinaldoJunior
    Se você está passando por Seligman, vale a pena parar por alguns minutos pra conhecer este museu - loja de souvenir que possui alguns itens que remetem a rota 66 e aos anos 50. Apesar de estar mal cuidado, acredito que vale a visita!
  • Austria01
    Dieses kleine Museum mit angeschlossenem Souvenirshop ist nicht so kommerzialisiert wie der Rest der Stadt. Die alte Tankstelle, 1985 geschlossen, scheint noch immer auf Kunden mit riesigen Straßenkreuzern zu warten. Auch die ausgestellten Oldtimer sind sehenswert.Also, wer Seligman besucht, der sollte hier unbedingt vorbeischauen - echtes Route 66-Feeling aus längst vergangenen Zeiten.
  • 854robertod
    Tudo de interessante dos anos 50 em um só lugar!!Roupas, placas, carros e souvenirs.Vale a pena!!!
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