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seabrook village

seabrook village

  • 等级:2A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • FromPAtoGA
    The brochure said they are open Saturday. We got there to find a sign saying closed Saturday until further notice. Not worth the trip. Go instead to the midway museum
  • kenflo11111
    Looks like a dilapidated mess! They should scrap the entire entrance headed into the place.... Trailers and houses that look as if they were blown up in a tornado. Don't bother!
  • icy61
    We took a ride around, and found this place, its worth the visit, a good historic look into old villages in coastal Georgia.
  • AnneC519
    We drove right by the entrance the first time, so turned back as instructed by our GPS. The signs were quite visible approaching from this way, however, the untravelled-looking driveway took us into the yard of a very old house badly in need of repair (as were all of the houses along this stretch). Much further ahead (through the trees) but with no sign to continue, there was a building far back but we didn't want to venture on private property so went back to the main highway and visited the COLONIAL MIDWAY MUSEUM instead (which we had passed on our way from Savannah). The guide there indicated that yes, apparently there was a Seabrook Village made up of a lot of old houses which were part of a (long) walking tour - she didn't have personal knowledge of it. Anyway, our tour of the COLONIAL MIDWAY MUSEUM was FANTASTIC & highly recommended - extremely well maintained historically furnished period house, separate kitchen building, with neighbouring church and cementary. Our guide was wonderfully knowledgeable and friendly. Note: if it says it is open but the door isn't answered immediately, just wait a bit & keep knocking because the guide may be taking others around.
  • IntrepidTravelerSav
    Beautiful homes and good golf courses, but way too many poorly designed cheap condos. Be prepared for a long (one hour) drive to Charleston for good restaurants.
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