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brooklands museum

brooklands museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 565alishac
    Brooklands have a LOT of exhibits but my family limited their interest to the aircraft for this visit. Lots to see and all four of us enjoyed it. Brooklands Museum staff were very helpful and knowledgeable. We all loved the lady in the Sultans VC10 in particulr whose name was Bobby. WHAT a character! Definitely would go again.
  • annieCaerphilly
    Staffed by enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteers. We came on the weekend of the historic car auction which made it more interesting.
  • TonyMus
    The various areas to see are a bit jumbled up, but this perhaps adds to the fun of finding the unexpected. For example, you wander in a hangar where the main attraction is a restoration project of an aeroplane recovered from Loch Ness, then it's into the Bus museum, then onto the relatively modern planes which you can actually inspect internally. My favourite is the one owned by a middle Eastern Royal. There also is Concorde.The displays are all great with many period features included. We stayed for around 3 hours, but the males in our party wanted to stay longer whilst the females were ready to leave after half an hour ! The kids were fascinated and would have stayed longer.
  • morkymike
    We had a fantastic day out. We went because we are members of a vintage car club and our club had notified us of an Austin and Morris cars day. We had no idea really of how big the museum is with displays of all types of transport. We tried to see everthing but we failed! Wwent mainly to see the vintage cars that had assembled from all over the country, but we moved around a lot, we even had a trip on one of the original Concord aircraft which is on display amongst a whole range of commercial and military aircraft. The London Bus Museum is also on the site. The remnence of the original Brooklands race track is still to be seen as well. I could go on and on........There are plenty of facilities for eating etc, free parking very close to site is a bonus and it is easy to get to being only a few minutes from the M25.Excellent value money.
  • 131KerryP
    So much to see on a nice sunday afternoon, something for all the family. Its well maintained easy to find. I would go back as going round when its busy is hard to see things etc.
  • angiedweeks
    Really enjoyed our day out here, very varied attractions from Concorde to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, so suits all ages. Very reasonable entrance fee, we spent a good 6 hours there that wasn't quite long enough but we will definately return in the summer.The knowledge of the volunteers was amazing everywhere you went there was someone to give you information about the aircraft, vehicle or general enquiry, very friendly and their commitment to the museum was commendable, the renovation work they do is amazing without people like this we would loose our history. The Cafe was good and not over priced. I admit its a bit rough round the edges in some places but it just added to the charm of the place.
  • Paul_John_Simpson
    Wonderful museum with several excellent collections. Impressive racing cars from all periods from the early days to modern Formula 1 race cars, including many examples that used to race around the incredible banked circuit that can be seen around the museum. Good collections of older cars, motorcycles, and pedal cycles back to the penny farthing.A separate museum within a museum celebrates the history of the London Buses, from early horse drawn vehicles, through classic red buses and coaches, to more recent examples. Sadly no trams or trolley buses. This was however my favourite part of the day. A number of interesting commercial vehicles are dotted around the museum.Along with Concorde and classic Vickers airliners, the museum also holds some rare military aircraft, including the Vickers Wellington and the Vickers Vimy replica. I would have liked to see more of the aircraft industrial history of the area addressed by the displays.Overall, a tremendous day out, with good facilities for all the family, and plenty of parking. An excellent lunch was had at the restaurant in the central pavilion.
  • 17cath63
    We took our 4 year old grandson to see the cars , planes buses etc and he loved it. We thought because he was so young he would be bored but was interested in everything that was there. The café that supplied hot or cold food was not too badly priced. The helpers at the museum were very good coming up to us all and telling us the history of the cars etc and they also spoke to our grandson as well . He enjoyed sitting in a F1 car and an aeroplane cockpit. All in all a great day out and we would go back again.
  • Anitacott76
    We went primarily for the Concorde experience. Had a great day, with plenty to see, not just Concorde, there is also a London bus museum, lots on cars and bikes and old airplanes you can go in. Excellent meal and a very interesting talk by Mike Bannister, one of the pilots. There were also former cabin crew to give information, answer questions and tell anecdotes about their time on the plane.
  • Jenny_A123
    We visited as my partner was given a fly concorde simulator experience. We were welcomed by the friendly staff and volunteers and taken to the clubhouse members bar for a coffee and an introduction with the guide,a retired fighter pilot who talked baout Brooklands as a racing track and the speed record set there. we were then introduced to the two concorde pilots who gave us a rundown of the day and a very informative talk about concorde and their own experiences and careers flying the wonderful plane.We then visited concorde itself which is really quite something, we entered through the rear of the plane, through an exhibition of the development of the aircraft and then took our seats in the restored area of the plane for a video experience which included a small amount of vibration and noise which recreated the experience of flying somewhat. My partners 10 year old son really did think we had moved and asked "why are we still in the same place? we moved!" the participants who were to later fly the simulator were then taken to see the flight deck, we felt it a bit of a shame we werent allowed to look since we were accompanying them and had paid an extra fee to do so.Overall however it was a really fun experience and one I would happily repeat.we were then free to explore the rest of the museum until it was time for my partner to visit the simulator so we explored all the other aircraft- including the Sheik of Omans private plane which was really quite something! In each exibit/plane there were knowledgeable volunteers and it really made a difference to our visit that they were so enthusiasric and happy to share their knowledge of the aircraft and vehicles.we enjoyed a coffee in the cafeteria which was very reasonably priced unlike some attractions you visit where you feel youve been robbed at the till! The food also looked delicious and the portions were large although we didnt eat there was a wide variety of dishes and proper meals for children not just fatty fast food.After this we visited the 4D cinema which was an extra £13 for two adults and a child but was an enjoyable experience especially for my partners son with the rattling and shaking of the car travelling round the track- very similar to brooklands but also including footage of the cars shot at brooklands so you could see how the track would have looked as a proper race track. The Napier car itself was right outside with a good amount of detail and another volunteer happy to chat about her knowledge (a teenager doing her D of E award!)My partner was then due at the simulator,we could see it outside and see the route on the computer screens with the person flying it.. he went off soMy stepson and I enjoyed the other exhibits together visiting the bikes, motorbikes and cars... including a great grand prix area where there was a simulator but as our young man wasnt tall enough the volunteer let him sit in Ayrton Senna's F1 car from 1991 which was a real treat for him and was the highlight of his visit.we returned to the simulator area to wait for my partner and one of the concorde pilots was outside and chatted to my stepson, telling us stories of his time flying and showed us some pictures. The volunteer there then said we could go and watch so they opened the simulator door so we could watch the last participant land the concorde which was really exciting for us. It is the full actual simulator which was used to train the pilots all in all we had a wonderful day and will return. I understand you can visit the concorde without being part of the simulator experience for £5 each, this was booked solid for the whole day by 12 so its best to book it straight away if you want to do it.We will definitely return and bring my children who are teenagers/ young adults I would say there isnt anything much for very small children there - they do have a soft play area but this is a museum so theyd need to be old enough to appreciate the exhibits there too.
  • MarkF722
    Preferred it a few years back when it had a character all of its own. Now it seems rather bland and confused despite obviously having a lot of money injected into it. The entrance lacks any presence unlike the old entrance where one first saw the track and parked in front of the club house. The prime reason for this museums existence is surely the unique banked race track which sadly seems to have been forgotten.The aviation and transport section appears to be just a mess with rusting vehicles (which I couldn't see the historic significance of) strewn across the track at the back of the hanger. The aircraft, including Concord are sadly looking the worse for wear due to being kept outside (perhaps these exhibits would be better displayed at another museum). As for the Concord experience ! what experience, we arrived at twelve only to be told it was fully booked until three ! but on looking at it from outside for around half an hour it appeared to deserted with little or no activity.The Sultan of Brunei plane looked promising but unfortunately we were denied the opportunity to view the cockpit due to what appeared to be a friend of a member of staff monopolising this area whilst he impressed his pal with his personal pilot experiences on this aircraft.Large queue at canteen and place rammed to the rafters so didn't actually get to eat. Can only assume so many were in the canteen because like us found the "spirit of Brooklands" sadly lacking on this occasion
  • terris2015
    A great day out, no matter what age you are! But what makes the day a 5⭐️ is The Concorde Experience, you have to pay an extra £5pp but is worth every penny. Our guild was insightful and very knowledgeable. During the tour we were taken into Concorde and wow! The plane has been restored to a high standard! Great day out no mater what the weather
  • 947TimB947
    Can thoroughly recommend Brooklands Museum for a good day out, the staff are so friendly and interested in their visitors. The Concorde Experience is especially good and as it was my birthday when we visited and the museum was not busy, they let me sit in the flight simulator whilst it was in operation that is not normally part of the tour.
  • stephen_carver
    Being a local I have watched this little gem of a museum grow over the last 20 years from a fragile quirky "club" to a fantastic attraction which still retains a delightful "gentleman amateur" charm. It has the Loch Ness Wellington bomber, a real Concorde, Formula1 cars, a brilliant banked track simulator and an wonderfully eclectic collection of planes, cars, bicycles and buses. It has just been granted a £4M Lottery facelift so will just go on getting better and better. Combine it with a visit to Mercedes World (next door) for a great day out.
  • K7697ITpeterh
    Excellent and extensive displays of historic aircraft, racing cars and London buses and, of course, a Concorde! Volunteer staff numerous, very friendly and knowledgeable. Good selection of hot and cold food and very good value.Constructive criticism? Colorful website but gives inadequate clarity to extent of fascinating exhibits. We were very pleasantly surprised. Well worth a visit.
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