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basilique notre-dame-du-port

basilique notre-dame-du-port

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • andym131
    The all-black appearance of the cathedral makes it something pretty special. Don't miss the stained-glass windows! You can see some of my pictures here: http://peak-exposure.com/adventures/2013/8/17/le-massif-central
  • PeterE216
    The exterior is more impressive than the interior. Go in the day to see the roofs from the nearby tower.
  • JB866
    This cathedral is constructed from the local volcanic rock from the region. It is quite spectacular and the dark rock color really enhances the Gothic look. We took a quick peek inside but there was mass going on inside so we didn't look around a lot.
  • Lynda13
    This is a magnificent 12th century Auvergne Romanesque structure. The interior is beautiful and this should be a must visit if you are in town. Be sure to visit the crypt!
  • MikeJL59
    I don't think we have been to this cathedral once in the last 4 years but that some part has not being restored. However, the parts that are accessible are a testament to the workmanship over many centuries. Those not into religious art may not get much out of this but one can always appreciate craftsmanship.
  • nekram
    Very interesting inside and has been sympathetically restored at some stage. Much more inviting than the cathedral up the road
  • EllaD90
    Big impressive church which located on top of a hill (Depends on which side you arrive). The church was built from volcanic stones, which gives it's special black color. The church is built in both Roman and Gothic style. When i visited the church, someone played the organ, which made the atmosphere more dramatic. The entrance to the church is free, but climbing to the turrets costs 2 euros.
  • FranceMesange
    Lovely restored Romanesque church with amazing carvings on the pillars. At certain times you can get a tour which is well worth it as it is a church with an amazing history. The crypt is also worth visiting...it is the confluence of two streams. It has been a religious site for a very long time and is one of the few religious places that I have felt comfortable in. I live in the area and try to go in when I am nearby as it has such a lovely atmosphere.
  • PiotrParis
    When you have a time this church is hidden from the main touristic guides; it's dark outside however very clean and full of light inside; Take a time to spend 5 minutes to stop and think.
  • MagicBabeNing
    It was funny that locals we stopped for directions didn't know where this UNESCO world heritage site was, though is supposedly an old gem of history and one of the few spiritual places that house a black Madonna (no, she didn't do a reverse Michael Jackson).When we finally found the minor basilica, we almost missed it. The front gate to it was almost lost to all the surrounding shops as graffiti that grew up around it. To be honest I thought we got the wrong church because after traveling to different Notre-Dames in France (Chartes, Reims, Paris, etc), I was expecting something grand.It's a very simple building, nothing stunning about it at first glance unless you've truly read up on its history then perhaps you'd appreciate it even more. There weren't any other tourists around but if you're in the area I guess it's worth a stop by.Their famous black Madonna is located down in the crypt, which was my favorite place in the basilica but only because it looked mysterious and old. Everywhere else was too bright and modern.
  • RemusDunedin
    This is 12th century nad quite awe inspiring. The carvings and interior are amazing. It is a real sanctuary.
  • patriciar184
    La basilique, récement restautée lumineuse. Surpenante galerie supérieure et émouvante crypte, une visite inattendue.
  • LMD63240
    Cette église est l'un des joyaux de l'art roman. Elle a été entièrement refaite, ce qui fait que l'on a plus de luminosité qu'auparavant (même à la belle saison, elle était très sombre). Les vitraux sont de toute beauté et les châpiteaux historiés n'en dépareillent pas moins.À vos appareils photos... et n'oubliez pas le zoom (attention toutefois, FLASH INTERDIT !!!).
  • Voyageur_solitaire
  • carloseduardop828
    Como sempre, arquitetura impressionante, o diferencial é a cor da igreja todo negra, devido as rochas vulcanicas muito comum em outras construções na cidade. A noite a igreja é toda iluminada, muito bonita.
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