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cathédrale notre-dame-de-l'assomption

cathédrale notre-dame-de-l'assomption

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • TonyD197
    take the stairs to the top of the spire for wonderful views..be fit enough to take them! 2 euro charge seems too cheap for such a wonderful view
  • PeterE216
    If you only have time to see either the cathedral of the Basilique, visit the latter, which is more memorable.
  • Lynda13
    Pope Urban II preached the first crusade here in 1095! This unique cathedral, constructed of black volcanic rock, is a impressive landmark in Clermont-Ferrand. Beautiful inside, take time to visit this cathedral when you are in town.
  • morfish
    Made of black volcanic stone, the cathedral is an imposing building. The dark interior made it difficult to get photographs except for the stained glass windows, which are probably the highlight of the cathedral.There is no admission fee, so it is worth a look inside.
  • 805DavidP805
    A wonderful cathedral with quite spectacular stained glass windows but not a guide book in any language in sight. Two tour parties were going round but there was no indication in the building as to where to book or when they went and no-one to ask.
  • Jimgrandad
    Sitting in the centre of the old town it was an imposing sight, well worth a visit: but having just come from the Cathederal in Chartres, which I feel is the most impressive I have ever seen in France, it was somewhat of a let down. Very dark internally and not having the wow factor that Chartres has , which is being cleaned extensively inside.Perhaps, if or when it is cleaned inside I could give it 5 stars!
  • DiBoS
    The dark and imposing outside of this Cathedral may wrong-foot people on the impressive interior. Inside even more imposing than outside, this is a Cathedral which should not be missed when in the area
  • rosemarym_12
    Distinctive with its volcanic stone and twin spires, I found the cathedral to be fascinating with all it's history. The highlight was climbing the stairs to the roof for a fantastic panoramic view of Clermont Ferrand. Would definitely recommend visiting this church.
  • 865gordons
    I know it's been around a lot longer than me, but I've visited lots of churches and cathedrals in France, and his was one of the least memorable. It's not the fault of the building - it's been there for centuries, but if it was a book it would be dog-eared. Clearly there's a shortage of cash to renovate the place, or even add light to its oppressive gloom. No sense of illumination, at any level, for me, I regret.
  • sdschmidt3
    I was in Clermont-Ferrand on a class hiking trip. Cathedral Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption was beautiful and the view from the top was awesome!
  • MikeJL59
    A splendid Gothic structure of dark stone apparently from the lava used in its construction it occupies the high point of the city and visible from a long way away. Restoration works means not all is accessible but there are fine stained glass windows. And its free!
  • nekram
    Although there is plenty to see and it is obviously a great building, it does need a lot of TLC. The Notre Dame Du Port is a far more uplifting experience. There is plenty of beautiful stained glass and some wonderful paintings but it is too dark inside.
    Whilst visiting the Town of Clemont-Ferrand vibrant but in places olde worlde,. we took the opportunity to visit the Cathedrale Notre Dame - de - i'Assumption. Whilst the dark volcanic stone work of the exterior gives the bulding a gloomy appearance the feeling of peace and tranquillty inside are an experience to be valued. Inside one must be amazed at the hight of the structure. Leaflets are available in many lanagages.
  • CesgithaW
    Really like this Cathedral because it was made by volcanic rock and surround with old city.The ambience of Clermont Ferrand can feel from here.
  • WTexTraveler
    We spent a few days in the Clermont-Ferrand area in June 2013 and spent part of one day in Clermont-Ferrand itself. My wife and I both love the cathedrals of Europe so we made it a point to visit Cathedrale Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption. Its exterior is unusual--it is built of dark volcanic rock that come from the region--and it is eye-catching. The interior is dark, but it has some of the best stained glass we've seen. My wife thought it rivaled Chartres; I'd say it comes close. Definitely worth the trip.
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