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hohes schloss

hohes schloss

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 沉烟
  • whitechalkS
    Visited this place in 2011. great castle. Amazing decoration. Pity cannot take pic inside. 这个好像叫旧天鹅堡来着。新天鹅堡也去了,在峡谷上那个冷风飕飕的吊桥上拍了新天鹅堡的照,人巨丑。城堡里多国语言的中文导游翻译机讲述的是普鲁士国王的故事,已经忘记具体细节了。只记得德国的绿化和景色以及城堡内设真的太令人难忘了
  • leigthm
    The schloss was closed when we went but it was still an impressive and beautiful drive in -- approach it from the far side of the river to get the full glory of it standing above town.
    excellent views of Bavaria and castle newschwanstein. Tour is short, sweet, and very informative. Walk up to the castle is gorgeous. Yes, there are a ridiculious amount of people here, but it's well organized.
  • VioricaA
    The views from inside the castle are impressive. However it could be better inside. Is like to visit more rooms.
  • IanH264
    Well worth the visit if you are in Fussen. Superb views and nice little exhibition of photographs and paintings.
  • 95markf
    If you can find the time take a walk in Medieval Town Centre of Fussen - the sights will reward you for the effort. There are a number of clearly marked parking area bordering the town centre. The local tourist office has an excellent publication on Fussen which contains a Fussen Tour guide complete with notes and a map. After a short walk to orient ourselves we started our walk at the High Place - Hohes Schloss (an important late Gothic castle), visiting the St Mary's Monastery and Church on our way to the Lech River bank walkway which took us to the St Franciscan Monastery. It was then back to ReichenstraBe - the main shopping street - for a slow walk along the street to view the painted patrician houses which front the street. A magical painted town centre.
  • sheepphilic
    Loved the views over the old town, courtyard etc. One of my favorite places in Fussen and worth a visit all on its own
  • magpiegirl9
    Schloss hohenschwangau was the first castle I toured on my day at hohenschwangau village. I arrived at 8.15 and the first english tour of this castle was at 9.25, but the times vary on the number of tourists and the seasons. Im glad I went to this castle first as the tour provided a good background of the history of the family. This was the home of ludwigs parents and where he grew up. What a beautiful place to grow up! His mother was a lover of nature. The place is full of the most superb antiques, silver, bronze, marble and ornate woodcarvings. The walk up to this castle is not far on a footpath with some steps. I took the horse and carriage, and walked down. The horses have waiting stops, like a bus stop...a different one for each castle so make sure you are at the right queue. You must check your tour time, and watch the tv screen in the courtyard. When your time flashes then you may enter and wait inside on the chairs for your guide. Its all done with precision timing. Miss your entry time and you loose your ticket. I saw 4 tours inside during my time in there. Allow some time to walk around the garden at the rear for photos after your tour
  • Jessywen
    The castle is located at an amazing mountain. From muchen, visitors can take two hours train to fussen. You can enjoy the view of lake and alpees from the top of mountain. Inside the castle,the staffs can provide radio guide in various languages. You will be impressed by the designs and decorations. Only one thing you should notice,the train going back to muchen is every one hour. However,after 20:34 you should wait until 22:38.only friday there is a train at 21:35.
  • LuchiL
    Fussen es uno de los lugares de Alemania que más me gusto, no solo por los castillos, que son espectaculares, sino también por su casco antiguo, sus calles, y ni hablar el lugar donde está emplazado. La Baviera alemana es bellísima!. En particular este no es el más espectacular de los castillos, pero todo vale la pena ver en esta ciudad de ensueño.
  • Ciomara
    Fussen é uma cidade linda e nela está um castelo Medieval grandioso e muito bem conservado, o ideal é ir a pé para apreciar todos os detalhes. É lindo.
  • NEIFE1971
    Um castelo Medieval de Fussen conservadíssimo na região da Bavaria imperdível, edificação lindíssima.
  • cristinap429
    Assolutamente da vedere, ritengo sia bello da visitare in ogni stagione ed i suoi colori, personalmente visitato in febbraio pertanto con la neve, fortunatamente la giornata della nostra visita era soleggiata e non eccessivamente fredda, abbiamo approfittato per far una passeggiata nell'ampio giardino del castello che costeggia il fiume Lech. Sicuramente consigliato!
  • 533camilab
    Parece que você está visitando um castelo medieval. Quando estiver no centro de Fussen vá caminhando e apreciando toda a linda cidade. O castelo fica próximo e depois vá até o rio, lindo, com aguá tão clara que você ve o fundo.
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