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basilika st. mang

basilika st. mang

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 836qiangg
    夜晚,循着阿尔卑斯山脚下多瑙河的支流Lech河,踩着嘎吱嘎吱作响的积雪,在万籁俱寂的夜色中走向小城的城中心。这里是欧洲(古罗马)历史上著名的Via Claudia Augustus 之路。偶尔能听到野鸭的叫声。接近本笃修道院圣曼克(S. Mang)时听见里面有人在弹管风琴。修道院只有一扇窗户透着灯光。接着管风琴声终止,又听见歌声。沿着修道院的墙根,顺着狭窄的小路,继续前行就到了巴洛克风格的修道院大门。
  • susanwalsh
    The former monastery is now a museum. First one sees the Alte Kapelle which has a wonderful Totentanz. Then we wandered along through several rooms and found the library which has a balcony in the centre and below is the refectory. But the real wonder is the Rittersaal which is absolutely glorious. We were so glad we saw it.
  • 335williamm
    Came here and was very surprised by the beauty of the interior, very ornate and regal looking.Take your time and walk around and enjoy the design and sculptural elements all around you, and do take a look at the goat headed candlesticks on either side of the altar, they are striking.Enjoy!
  • magpiegirl9
    This is very ancient church has some lessons for us all. The paintings on the wall tell a story and the epitaphs of the dead remind us to pray for the dead and remember their fame. Lovely old church.
  • Watatic2000
    There are many pretty little churches in Füssen, but none post Mass times outside. St Mang has a website and is an active church. They have a Saturday evening and Sunday morning Mass, and confessions beforehand on Saturday. Very beautiful, peaceful setting. Priest speaks a little English.
  • Randy916
    The inside of the church is small, but pretty. Nowhere as majestic as other larger historic/medieval churches in this region though. The main attraction for me was the beautiful stucco art on the exterior of the church. It'll be hard taking a photo of it with no tourists in the way due to the amount of foot traffic in the area.
  • AnnetteF810
    As Catholic Filipinos tourists in this town on a Saturday, we were planning to hear Sunday Mass at our next stop (Tuscany in Italy) but on the late afternoon while on a drive we met three nuns walking on the road and stopped to ask if perchance they knew where and what time we could possibly hear anticipated Saturday Mass in Fussen. By stroke of good luck, these nuns were heaven sent. St.Mang was just a few meters up the road and Mass was to begin in 5 minutes! We had not planned this and had not heard of the church but so glad we had the chance to see it. The church is very very beautiful, the service in German but faith is universal and we felt uplifted and blessed to be inside it.
  • waveracercraig
    This church is so spectacular and still in use today. From the murals, to the statues and the gilded artwork, one is really taken back in time. Beautifully preserved and incredible architecture. The park and river behind the church is also worth a visit.
  • Avni_61
    This cathedral is well worth a visit, even if it is not on your route. The architecture is incredibly beautiful. Must be seen to be believed.
  • KAW687
    This was a very nice surprize. Very glad we ventured inside. The crypt was especially interesting. The wall and ceiling paintings were light and beautiful. I wish there had been an English guide book as I really wanted to know more about it and feel that I may have missed out on some of what could be seen, because it was difficult to navigate.It felt used and loved.
  • chris036
    The Baroque Abbey in Füssen is the standout architectural gem of this pretty town - its large and opulent interior demand your camera!
  • chacha7602
    My husband and I visited while in Fussen. It's a lovely church and kept very well. Easy walk from our hotel in Fussen. Recommend a visit.
  • PatR353
    A beautiful barock church dedicated to the Apostle of the Algäu,St Magnus,referred to locally as St Mang.The origional chapel built by him in the 7th century lies below the main altar and can be seen by attending one of the church tours in German.Inside the Basilica on the right hand side as you come in the door can be found the German Shrine to Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos.He was born in Füssen in 1819 and died a redemptorist priest in New Orleans aged 48 from yellow fever.There is a wonderful pulpit and the organ has just cost over €250,000 to renovate.Well known organists come from all over Europe to play this organ.Below the organ is another crypt where the baptismal font can be found.This is the font used to baptize Blessed Seelos on the day he was born.The basilica is open from early morning until about 6pm almost every day.Well worth a visit and take time out for a quiet moment of prayer.
  • Chester_UKCitykid
    interesting place to while away half an hour on the way to the Fussen old castle, which in contrast we found quite disappointing. Lots of nooks and crannies and a small crypt. Basilica is clearly still at the heart of civic life in Fussen
  • Wolszczak
    The basilika is nicely set in the architecture of the old town. It is actually part of the whole old town complex of the old town. Popular place for local weddings ;)
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