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house of dionysus

house of dionysus

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • ValerieS363
    Part of the tour to the Ancient Greek island of Delos, is the visit to the house of Dionysis. 7-8 Huge Greek columns are majestic and the mosaic in the middle of the largest room is typical (we're told) of artwork during that ancient time.Mosaics were on the floor instead of carpet, to function as art.10 minute visit at most
  • ChuckOldBoy
    You can almost feel the community as you stand among the ruins that go back thousands of years. You can see the homes of the wealthier residents of Delos, so many decorated and life was good for them, the merchant class. such beauty still evident after so much tme. A protected place.
  • MrSteffs
    Really impressive building, and you are allowed to enter the building. Lovely columns and a really nice mosaic covering the floor.
  • mjrg59
    A good place to understand about life among the wealthier residents of Delos where the courtyard was decorated and life was good.
    All ruins at DELOS are very nice.This is one of the bigger houses at the sites and is very nice to see.
  • ProfT
    This is an absolutely beautiful house with mosaics of panthers from the 2nd century.
  • Charming_Karl
    OK, so first, in the interest of full disclosure: I already made a review of this site under the title "House of Masks". Are they the same? Who knows.Anyway, this beautiful house with its gorgeous mosaic floor is certainly a highlight of Delos. I loved the staircase, for example (let's see if I can find the photo of our guide standing at the food of the staircase...). And like everyone else, I did my best to photograph the mosaic, including the ornate drawing in the middle of it, with the lion grimacing at us (the original of which is in the museum).Another mind-blowingly amazing stop along a tour of a mind-blowing ruins!
  • redeco
    One of the exciting things about the ruins at Delos are the plentiful remains of domestic architecture. Floor plans are clearly visible and walls are nearly complete in many cases. This is so in the House of Dionysus, named for the splendid mosaic from the atrium depicting Dionysus seated on a Tiger. This mosaic is now in the museum on the site. Visitors enter through a doorway on the street leading to the theater. Immediately upon entering, you can see to the right the remains of a stone staircase to the second floor. Our guide told us that much of the staircase was of wood, but enough of the stone support for the stairs remains to give a clear understanding of how the stairway curved upwards. The atrium was two stories high with splendid marble columns in the Doric style. A large room with nearly complete walls is located south of the peristyle courtyard. The walls of this room were originally coated with mortar and then plaster that was painted. There are numerous carvings in this house representing ships and birds. The significance is unknown, though some surmise an association with sailors and the sea.It's easy to imagine this space with wall paintings, ceilings, and a second floor that mirrors the floor plan of the first. The columns that supported the roof are still in place making this a very exciting house to visit.
  • AlayrC
    O que mais chama nossa atenção são o detalhes. São extremamente avançados! Nunca pensei que civilizações tão antigas tivessem tal nível de construção e acabamento.As soluções práticas demonstram um alto nível de arquitetura e engenharia. Soluçõesque ainda são usadas nos dias de hoje. Os enormes mosaicos que decoravam o chãocomo se tapetes fossem, sistemas de drenagem e aproveitamento da água pluvial,e assim por diante. A casa de Dionysius é mais uma demonstração de tudo isso que acima descrevo. Simplesmente fantástico.
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