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mount kynthos

mount kynthos

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
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  • 景点介绍


  • 20carolj
    The island if Delos was amazing.Originally I was not going to go but changed my mind and am very glad that I did.Awesome-the history.This place used to be bigger than Athens.There are still coloured mosaic floors and some of the homes were 2 stories high and are still partially standing.Closing your eyes and imagining you are in the central market place is easy as most of the buildings are still outlined and the streets still paved.There are marble statues standing side by side outside and many more in the museum.The climb to Mt Kynthos is worth it.I ran up to the top and back in 20mins. :-)From the top the view is amazing a syou can see the layout of what used to be a thriving port city.The boat trip was fun coming back and I got two amazing adventures for the price of one.
  • craighodge
    The top two things on the island have to be the museum and the mosaics. From this mountain (hill really -- 177 ft above sea level by my altimeter) Zeus watched as Leto gave birth to their children, the goddess Artemis and the god Apollo. Great view of Delos.
  • Eric_Lemon
    The views from the top are spectacular, both of the archaeological site below, as well as the surrounding islands. This is a must see, do not miss it.The climb up is mainly on stairs, but some parts of it involve climbing a bit on rocks, but even a person that is not fit can do it. It is a lot easier than the climbs up the caldera in Santorini for sure.
  • 255060Cat_
    If you visit Delos, make sure you make some time to climb to the top of Mount Kynthos. It is a fairly sort & easy hike, but watch your step as some of the stones are a little loose. The view from the top is very rewarding - a birds eye view of the ruins as well as the edge of the island. It can however get a little windy at the top so ensure loose items like hats are safely secured!
  • flaneur40
    If you are on Delos, make the climb. So worth it. Take it slow and drink plenty of water and then once up there spend some time to relax and get your breath back and then have it taken away again by the sight from up there. Many of the other significant archeological sites are on the way down toward the museum.
  • mjrg59
    You can see the periphery of the island from the point but don't go here if your legs are not working as the climb is steep and the rocks unforgiving.
  • DrVeryEvil
    My son and I went up while visiting Delos during a cruise (we run away from our group, the tour was getting boring). It is definitely worth doing, offering a great view from up there (see the picture). It is a fairly sort hike, but watch your step. And yes, it is very windy up there.
    From the ground at DELOS if you look up at this site it is incredibly impressive as to what has been built on the hill and how well it has been preserved. The flight of stairs beckons you to visit more closely if you have the time and all should partake of that invitation if you can.
  • Norielle
    Enjoyed the hike, it's one of the few places where you can run away from the tourists herded by the large cruise ships. At the altitude of 112 metres above sea level the hike is neither too steep, not too tiring and there are even steps all along the way, just watch your footing, some of the rocks on the steps are a bit loose. Great view from the mountain top, but very strong wind, hide your caps and sunglasses before you go there :)
  • PhilViking
    it is a long climb up marble steps, rocks, pavers, and loose gravel, but it is well worthwhile! It is almost mystical at the top, where once was a temple to Zeus. You have a full view of the island, and can appreciate the full extent of the ancient greek site. Allocate at least three to four hours for your visit (usually determined by your ferry boat schedule), wear good hiking shoes, and take a small bottle of water. Keep your camera at the ready!
  • AndrewH148
    The best part of the trop was climbing the mountain and see ing the view. Hold on tight! The wind is very strong
  • Charming_Karl
    but from a distance it was very compelling. It would be wonderful to have the chance to spend a whole day (or more) on Delos, to climb the hill and see the entire island. Unfortunately, our tour, while informative and quite enjoyable, did not give us time to wander around on our own.Maybe next time!
  • Archeo16
    Una lunga salita composta da scalini di pietra e terra. Indossate scarpe comode!La fatica verrá ripagata con una bellissima vista dall'alto di delo e del mar egeo, scorgendo in lontanaza l'isola di mykonos.
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