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casa museo de antonio narino

casa museo de antonio narino

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • chuff619
    Small museo dedicated to national hero, is worth a visit. It is small and has a lovely garden. It would be nice if there was multi language information.
  • LyndaN370
    Small house and garden, providing a good insight into the revolution and the people involved, along with links to the present-day airforce. Worth a look.
  • 970jonf
    Free museum. Good overview of who Antonio Narino was and his importance to Colombia. Not much here...it's small. You can see it all in under an hour.
  • nancybY5517PV
    I'd like to know a bit more about Antonio Narino. I do read Spanish but for those who don't the house/museum will be pointless. I love the garden and sitting outside was very poignant. I could imagine what it might have been like for him.
  • waterdance
    I'm not a museum person anymore. But if you are tired of viewing the gift shops this is a good break to learn about Antonio Narino and Colombian history. There is a nice back area to take pictures. Museum is free.
  • muertesss
    The house where Antonio Nariño live during the independence revolution of Colombia with conserved furniture from that time.A cultural and historic place without entrance feeGood to visit with kids or in family.
  • Cyn818
    Nothing to write home about. But, if you are a history buff, then this could be interesting. The wall plaque with the human rights are very similar to the US constitution!
  • Marcia74
    The museum is free and takes about 30-40 minutes. There is an English speaking guide if needed There are some good relics here and you take away the importance of his work for Colombia
  • Saranger
    Stopped into this museum for one of Colombia's early independence heroes. This museum is free and the staff are welcoming. Exhibits on the life of Narino. He died of a lung infection here before independence was achieved. Beautiful garden in the rear where we sat for 20 mins just listening to the birds and enjoying the weather. Be sure to see this on your visit to Villa de Leyva.
  • 553edgarn
    Free entrance! It's very interesting to learn about Colombian history. You must however have some knowledge of Spanish language, or bring a dictionairy like I did, good for practicing Spanish!
  • 5Nadia
    A beautiful quaint little town out side of Bogota. Great place to go and relax at the Duruelo Hotel. Thee are a few simple things to do in town, the view of the mountains, the foods, the night atmosphere is great for quiet relaxation and meeting your inner self. Little cool at night you may need to wear one of their famous ponchos and drink one of their "Carajillos".
  • Guavaberryteacher
    This museum has a small but interesting and well chosen collection of artifacts from Nariño's time. Many of the objects relate to his personal life, rather than his political life, so they give you a glimpse of Nariño as a father and as a family member. The guide was also very knowledgeable.
  • akatalinan
    A must visit museum for anyone interested in learning about the history of Colombia and Villa De Leyva. Our guide had an impressive passion for Antonio Narino that made us feel as if we were in that time period enjoying and suffering all of what Antonio Narino went through.
  • Charles131965
    Beautiful small garden, the house is nice but it needs some work, half of the housewas closed, not option to visit the second floor
  • andarcaminos
    The house is lovely and easy to visit, garden is peaceful. The house honors a founder very important in Colombia's history.
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