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lyndendale gallery

lyndendale gallery

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Ripplej2015
    Enjoyed this beautiful gallery. It has a unique feel as its in a beautiful setting in the country. Lovely artwork and woodwork. Well worth a visit.
  • 66alicen
    Hi, AliceThank you for visiting Lyndendale Gallery and taking the time to write a comment on Trip Advisor.I was surprised to read that you felt the art was a little expensive. We have original art works for as low as $40 and many of the craft items are, of course, even less.I hope you'll come back to the Gallery for another look.
  • terryc539
    Located in the picturesque Ferguson Valley, this gallery is well worth a visit. The gallery is inside a lovely Federation style house surrounded by beautiful gardens. inside there is an amazing display of quality art and crafts from south west artisans and artisans. So many lovely things to look at!
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