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telstra hill

telstra hill

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 479staceeh
    You get to see it all from up here. Really worthwhile doing. Night time too. What a show! It's close to town and easy to find. It really allows the traveller to see the whole of the Isa in one hit.
  • IrishJC07
    Mt Isa looks diffent from there but the mine sure dominates the city. Would have liked to have a closer inspection of the mine but they have stopped tours there.
  • Ktsnowowl
    Telstra Hill is not signposted and for the first timer can be a little hard to find. It's about 2km out of Mount Isa as you are heading to Cloncurry. Simply look for the big telephone tower on the hill and the driveway going up. Whether you walk up or drive up, the views are spectacular and a trip to Mount Isa would not be complete without a visit to take in the truly amazing landscape.
  • ktish64
    Can't get a better view over the Isa. Great exercise if you're into that. Otherwise just drive tot he top and enjoy the view.
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