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kingaroy peanut silos

kingaroy peanut silos

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 匿名
    Why would anyone allow a poly lit of that size in the middle of a country town. Towns are about the folk who live there. Money rules is all too apparent.
  • 匿名
    Yes, I would love it to be a tourist attraction not just a landmark I would pay money to take a tour of the silos, kingaroy is a beautiful town.Shane.
  • johnsS512AF
    The silos can be seen from all over Kingaroy as they are an impressive 42 metres high. Unfortunately we could not visit the silos as OH&S regulations make it too difficult for the owners to have visitors on site and site visits have been stopped
  • Tinaballerina
    Too big to take a photo and show the size, they stand out on the horizon like large white beacond. a must see!
  • AnnetteS943
    Best landmark in the district, but why no tours? Could be much more than just a landmark. Surely tourists, and locals alike, would be interested in how the peanuts are processed, stored etc, with perhaps a taste test at the end. Of course a small shop selling peanuts, and other souvenirs at the end.
  • 604kj
    Walk past it, use it to orient yourselves, listen to and smell the peanuts being processed. Nice to look at, has lights on it at Christmas time, but it's not really a tourist attraction, if that's what you're looking for.
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