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cathedral rock national park

cathedral rock national park

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • iandsmith
    Like most, you'll probably be starting at Barokee, a campsite with basic facilities where you can overnight.From here, the walk takes around 3 hours and is rated "moderate". In fact, it's fairly easy until you get close to the rocks and then it gets a bit serious to the point where you actually have to grab a chain to haul yourself to the summit. You need to be fit and non-acrophobic for the last section.It's a rewarding and popular walk and, as I always remind those walking in the Australian bush, make sure you take some fluids with you.The bird life is worth keeping an eye out for as well, many species have been sighted here.
  • OscarZ316
    After a moderate walk through gorgeous bushland, and short rock scramble, you're generously rewarded with an extraordinary view. Rich in native fauna, spotting the local wildlife en route is likely. Reasonable agility required for the final scramble. It's still a fine walk even if you don't get the top, although the views from the granite tors and surrounding rocky 'cathedrals' are the real reward. About 14k's west of Ebor. Unsealed road on the way into the park, then about a 2.5 hour round trip by foot, depending on how much you mill around therein. Bring water.
  • Kaja_P23
    We almost decided not to do the hike because it was quite late in the afternoon but fortunately we changed our minds. We jogged the first part of the way and got to see some kangaroos from up close. We are quite fit so we didnt have any problems with the climb at the end. I would recommend good shoes and also be careful with small children. I would also say it is not suitable for people with vertigo. The view at the top is definitely worth the hike. We went there in March and we were the only people in the park which was a nice change from all the crowd in the cities. If you plan to drive by I would highly recommend stopping by and taking the time to do the walk.
  • Carol5617
    Cathedral Rock walk/climb starts out very gently as you walk over soft grasses along the valley floor - enjoy. The rock climb is exhilarating and in the final stages extremely challenging - long legs are definitely an advantage. I struggled with the final challenging sections, however thankfully with the encouragement and support of family members made it to the top. The anxiety was well worth the view - give it a go and if it is in winter you may also be treated to snow. For campers there is a great bush camping area near the carpark.
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