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  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • michou51
    I am a gran-ma that had fun with my grand children 14, 11 , and 8. the instruction were good enough for all of us .
  • JBVacations
    My three twenty something kids and I decided to give this a try while visiting in the area, and lets just say I'm over the 50 something! I have gone zip lining in Costa Rica, Honduras and Mont Tremblant so I'm not new to the activity. I figured compared to some of those how hard can this be? We originally went over around 11 and discovered we couldn't get on until 1:30, not a problem since we were staying close by so we bought our tickets went back to our place for a swim and back to Acro Nature. Lovely chair ride to the top were you are given the instructions for the course. A guide does not go with you so you have to learn how to hook/unhook the safely lines and hook onto the zip line. Therefore, this part is not for young children there in another area for the younger set. The course is divided up into 4 sections.After the instructions off our group went, there were probably about 20 of us in total. The first level is not that difficult, wires to walk across, boards that wobble all over to traverse and zip lines. OK completed section 1 and on to section 2. Here is were it gets tricky. There are 2 ways to go either the "regular" way or "ultimate" way. Well since my kids were going ultimate and I had done this before I was going with them. The guide at the bottom said "are you sure?" Of course I was sure, I'm in good shape and always up for a challenge. Only two guys ahead of us went for the ultimate and then off we went. After a couple of "games" as they call them, swinging over to a rope net, climbing up that, balancing across some boards, you still have a chance to go the "regular" way, but no off we all went to the ultimate. Here is were you hang and put your feet in stirrups to get across to the next tree (when was the last time I did the splits?? Oh,that would be on acro nature). Next you have to swing from one swinging board to the next and haul yourself up each time. Ok, by now my arms are screaming at me, What Are You Doing?? but I am not giving up. I can here by daughter in the lead saying "I don't want to keep going" and then they all yell back, "How are you doing Mom" I can't stop now or I'll be hanging there, I have to keep moving before my arms stop working. Finally I haul myself up only to be faced with jumping on a skateboard and sailing across the tree tops before I have to drop myself into a bunch a tubes and shinny my way across to safety. It may seem unbelievable but I managed to get myself across all of these "games" as they are called. After this you still have to complete sections 3 and 4 but they are a piece of cake compared to the ultimate in section 2. My arms are shaking from this unusual activity that I have now exposed them to but I'm still able to connect all necessary safety harnesses and about 3 1/2 hours after we started we all safely arrive at the base.Would I do this again, in a heart beat, would I do the "ultimate" not a chance for this 50 something mother that was a thrill to finish. Oh, and all my bruises have nicely vanished my arms have stopped shaking and I have only good memories from completing the ultimate acro nature.
  • niagaravisitor_11
    We arrived at Acro Nature shortly after opening and had no wait at all. My 10 year old was just tall enough to do the main course with my husband. It took them about 3 hours, I didn't realize that it was going to be so large and was shocked seeing my daughter come down the last two ziplines (you can see them from the base), like a pro all on her own. The bigger course gets to take a chairlift up which was also fun for them.My younger daughter (7) was able to go on the junior course and I went with her. I found a few of the obstacles challenging and was shocked to see my younger daughter maneuvering through them like a champ. It was not very busy so the operator told us we could go through the course again. I'm not sure if that was standard or not, but it was nice because we were waiting for my older daughter and husband. It was also nice to do it a second time, because it went much smoother and quicker the second time once we were more comfortable and familiar.I wouldn't take a young child without trusting that they are very careful and able to understand the instructions explicitly. Each person is responsible for hooking and unhooking their safety equipment at each obstacle and no one is there to check. So if a child is careless or in a rush, they could get seriously hurt.The staff was very friendly (and patient) and did speak both English and French fluently. We had a great time, and cannot wait to go back. We hope next time our younger daughter will be tall enough that we can all go on the bigger course!I would highly recommend this place! And I feel it was good value for what you get.We also visited Parc Aquatique and stayed at the cabins at Morin Heights (also good reviews :) ) but I will review those separately.
  • SandraKo
    I never thought I could do the big zip lining course but we did it as a family and it was amazing! My kids used to do the kids course - I highly recommend it for kids. It's the first time we were able to do the adult course together. It takes several hours and is a series of 22 zip lines and obstacle course activities that go across the ski mountain. It's fun and challenging and staff is very helpful. There's a pool onsite (included in the ticket) and a tennis court so you can bring all your gear and hang out for a good part of the day.
  • roscol32
    Extremely well designed. This is not one big zip line (15 sec. and your down) like so many others I have visited. This is a course with many different challenges as well as many zip lines throughout, which takes over 3 hrs. if you complete the whole course. Mind you, you can quit at the end of any section if you wish, and there is a smaller park for the toddlers. I am over 80 years old, and I must admit, I did not complete the whole course, as my sons and grand sons did. WHAT A BLAST!! WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!!
  • mylene18
    You cannot book your time in advance, it's first come first served. Horrible concept! We got there and was told it would be 20 minutes until we go next. That's fine, but it turned into 1h30 of waiting! Finally, right before we were to get strapped up, a group of at least 25 people came hurdling in! Instead of being a group of 5 people that were waiting, we'd be more than 30! I was surprised that they weren't told to wait like we were! Totally unprofessional so we decided to opt out. Unfortunately, I'm still waiting to receive my refund!!!
  • brobit
    It was our first time in an Acro-Nature, but we had done Arbres-en-Arbre and Arbraska. We had loads of fun. The are a lot more zip-lines and staff is great.That day it rain like heck, but the let us do every part. Made everything a bit more challenging, but more fun; especially the last looooooong Zip-line
  • ElJoGilmer
    My son and I went zip lining this summer and had a great time. The staff were friendly and were sure to give the instructions in english as well as french. This was the first time that I had ever tried zip lining and it was a blast. I would try it again in the future.
  • TasteofGourmet
    I have done the xip lines at Ski Morin Heights and also at Tremblant! Ski Morin Heights were 100% better! The journey gets progressively more intense, starts off easier, and not as high in the trees and as you work your way to the end it is adrenaline rush all the way! Best time of the year is now as the colors are so beautiful!
  • sinmartin27
    We went zip lining here and it was great. You will spend almost 3 hours there,but we had a blast. My 9 year old daughter did it and she loved it. Highly recommended.
  • A-Spa-Traveler
    My six year old grand-daughter and I went for the day... she loved the junior circuits! The tucked away nature-pretty ski hill scenery/ environment is relaxing, fresh and truly enjoyable. The outdoor pool was great, very clean. I definitely recommend bringing a lunch, good shoes, swim suit, towel, friends and familys; enjoy the circuits, the zip lining, the walking trails, outdoor pool.. there is a volleyball net and plenty of room for family soccer. Overall, a great place to spend the day or a few hours. The staff is very helpful, friendly and accommodating; be sure to say hello especially to Brenda, Katie, Marie-Eve, Anne, Alexandre.... all helped make our day a memorable one! Once back from vacation we will post a few pics... and I'm sure my grand-daughter will be back for more fun!
  • Rad_10
    We all had been to these tree top climbing and zip line places in France and England, but we really enjoyed the activity on the "ski-slope". I overcame my fear of zip lines -- lucky as there are 21 to enjoy, including a 350 metres line which was amazing. Beautiful scenery, a great variety of "games" taking you from tree to tree, loads of fun for all abilities and ages, and good value for money.From the time you arrive, the staff are friendly, helpful and encouraging. The safety equipment is excellent (they check the course daily), the instruction is bi-lingual and very thorough. Mixed abilities all go out together, but you soon space yourselves so you are all alone in the canopy. My 9 year old was tall enough to do the adult course, but by the last zone, his batteries died, concentration went and suddenly his glove was tangled mid-way along the zip-line. The "rescue team" were great, no-fuss, and he was sorted in minutes. My 16 year old was long-gone by then.These zip lines use pulleys and you control your speed - for me, this is much better than the lines which take you just to the ground, full speed, no control. They told us the record for time for doing the course was 6.5 hours! You should allow a couple of hours. I heard someone say that one of the crew did it in 16 minutes!! Its great fun and a perfect excuse to jump in the hot tub or sauna at a spa afterwards.
  • ModerationForMe
    High Rope and Zipline courses are much cheaper in Canada than they are on the USA so we really wanted to do one. We knew going in that our youngest daughter might not be tall enough and prepared her for that likelihood. They did check her, and while she couldn't do the big course, they suggested that my wife and her take the chair lift to the top to watch my oldest daughter and I get started since the main course takes longer. They enjoyed a hike back down and the junior course.The course is well maintained, and a very good safety introduction at the beginning. The others in the group starting at the same time speak French and we only speak English, but the safety introduction was given in both languages.After showing that you understand all the safety rules, you are allowed to go down the course at your own pace. My daughter and I quickly felt like we were no longer part of a big group.There are several workers stained throughout the course so that someone is always in shouting distance if you need help.We would definitely return here if we were in the area again.
    Ma fille de 10 ans m'a demandé de faire cette activité. Je m'attendais à un truc pour enfant mais j'en ai eu pour mon argent. Les parcours sont variés et les tyroliennes époustouflantes! À faire, surtout si le temps est gris.
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