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cagbalinad island

cagbalinad island

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Sealfixation
    We went here after Matukad. The island is very small but despite its size it's one of my favorites. We had the island to ourselves and we lazed a few hours away taking pictures, laying on the sand and eating. We discovered one perfect spot where the best shot of the island and backdrop can be taken altogether. It certainly offers very panoramic views according to the people who saw the pictures.
  • JEmmanuelLasPinas
    This is one of many islands in Caramoan. Quiet sandy beach. Clean crystal clear water. find a spot where you can grill fresh fish.
  • Ojaesama
    Definitely one of my favorite islands at Caramoan! It has this beautiful big skull-like rock structure perfect for pictures! It is also perfect to go kayaking in this area since the waves are not too strong.
  • arwen_31
    i had fun visiting the islands of caramoan and this island did not fail to give me a smile and excitement on my face. i love the sand and the beach!
  • roadtrip092
    Tagbalinad or Cagbalinad is a small island that can be visited only during high tide. On the island is a charming little cave that is cool and clean inside. It is about the size of a small room and has a small opening at the back that opens to the rocky side of the ocean. Inside the cave, you can hear the crashing of the waves against the rocks by the rear opening.
  • d1trueoriginal
    Another beautiful place to visit. white sand beaches, limestone rock formation and cove. i like the place!
  • leftes
    Escondida en la parte sur de la isla de Cagbalinad o Kagbalinad hayuna pequeña cala de 40 mts. de playa de arena blanca , parece ser que hay una cueva , pero no puedo dar informacion ya que no la vi , estuve mas en el agua intentando evitar la infinidad de algas que hay.hay una pequeña franja despues de las algas a unos 50 mts. segunme comentaban buena para hacer snorkel , pero el coral esta practicamente muerto o muy deteriorado.
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