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antietam national cemetery

antietam national cemetery

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • jeffs432
    Everyone needs to see a national cemetery. This one is nice. Only takes about 15 minutes to half an hour to appreciate.
  • 545lorim
    This is a place of quiet reflection. It is both beautiful and haunting. When you think about the lives lost it humbles you.
  • Zebra_4456789
    A very beautiful and well maintained cemetery. This was our last stop taking in the Antietam battlefield. So many brave men buried here from both sides. I think this is a must see as it is a means to remember the past.
  • choochtown
    This is a historic and peaceful beauty. It's amazing being where so many of our nation's fallen rest. To imagine what they went through and saw leaves you in awe as you walk around this place. A must visit.
  • JudyJacobs
    Our last stop on our private tour of Antietam was the Antietam National Cemetery. After learning about this bloody battle, the stop at the cemetery was a fitting end. I had not noticed the number on the stones but my husband did and he asked our guide. “They are all unknowns” he answered. I felt like crying for them all.
  • FredGS
    Cemetery and battlefield will get to you even if you are not a history buff. The courage and sacrifice of one and a half centuries ago comes alive. There must be ghosts of the fallen still wandering the fields. Please visit to only begin to understand this critical moment in our country's heritage.
  • r1manchester
    marker after marker for the unknowns, all laid out by state. a magnificent chapel, and a verge large central statue of a soldier.
  • lovebirds70
    To add to your knowledge of this one day battle and the part this bridge played you must read about , listen to the video before going into the self guide tour as we did. Sad part is no markers graves were made for the south they were left in mass graves.
  • CarolM587
    Sobering and awesome, to realize so many gave their life for freedom. You felt as if you were walking on hallowed ground, Surrounded by the memories of 150 years ago.
  • 86MissyJ
    Well done to honor the soldiers. The grounds are well kept and will give you a quiet place to recognize those who made a great sacrifice for our country. A must stop when visiting the Antietam battlefield.
  • cainrcc
    Take the driving tour of Antietam and this is the last stop of it.The main gate is awesome and the grounds are very well kept.When you first walk in the gate you see the very big U.S. Soldier Monument and the headstones of the men in sections for there home state,there are a lot of unknown soldiers graves marked with a number only.
  • ModWilliams
    The cemetery is not inside the battlefield. It's in old town Sharpburg, MD but can be accessed from the battlefield if you drive to see Burnside Bridge. You have to park on the side of the road. The cemetery is very well kept. Walking through it made us feel appreciate our freedom and thank those who lost their lives, trying to protect our freedom. I'm forever thankful.
  • TinkTravel1
    This park, a solemn reminder of past conflict, is a joyful celebration of family, friends, citizens, food, music , and fireworks for the 4th of July. The National Park Service invites you to put down a tarp or blanket, bring a dinner or picnic, and listen to the Baltimore Symphony play patriotic music and songs. Before the 7:30 concert there is time to tour the grounds, see the visitor center before they close at 3:00, purchase food from local groups raising funds, toss a football or join a pick up soccer game. You make friends with those around you and watch families with children create fun for young and old. The picnics range from small tables with flowers and china to large gatherings with substantial meals. Yogi Bear would not know where to start. Rangers patrol quietly while the hillside and areas around the center become a maze of chairs and strollers. The symphony starts and you listen and sometimes sing along to music that you know from childhood. Two hours later after you have enjoyed a musical feast you look to the sky for fireworks that end the night with colors, and yes, a bang! The park allows you to put down your blanket and come back, and patience is required at the end of the night as it takes 60-90 minutes to leave. We have done this twice in 7 years and will come back again. They waive fees for this day
  • kren250
    I liked this cemetery better than the Gettysburg National Cemetery. This one is quieter; I was the only one there the day I went. The entry fence and building at the entry give this cemetery an old-fashioned, Victorian-era feel. There are a few memorials and benches to rest on. It's just a peaceful place to think and reflect. There are a few beautiful flowering bushes by the entry building. The entry building does have restrooms in it.Apparently the woodchucks like this place too; I saw three of them.
  • 934KimM934
    Really nice place to walk around. Has benches to rest at. Has an incredible status in the center. Beautiful entrance. Nice place for a picnic
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