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mcmullen museum

mcmullen museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • NewChi53
    This is a small museum on the campus of Boston College. Each semester a major exhibition is mounted. This spring the focus is on the eastern Mediterranean between the 2nd and 6th century C.E. "Roman in the Provinces: Art on the Periphery of Empire" examines interaction between local traditions and Roman imperial culture.
  • YaniraRocks
    A small museum on BC's campus with carefully curated pieces. I would go on a day where there are other on campus events i.e. Arts Fest, Night Market etc. If not you can always sign up for a tour after the exhibit or grab a coffee on campus at the Chocolate Bar (In McElroy Hall) or lunch at Lower/Corcoran Commons (the most options). Off campus, on Comm Ave there's El Pelon if you want some Spanish food, or Fins further down Comm Avee for sushi. Exhibit details and information are on the link. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/artmuseum/
  • EllenS396
    The McMullen Art Museum on the BC campus is a small gem that often has terrifically curated special exhibits. What's on view is always worth checking out, and it's free, though donations are welcome. From the McMullen you can go on to tour the hilly campus as well as see the football stadium. From the parking garage, you can walk to and around the local reservoir and also see the nearby Waterworks Museum. Just from the outside this is an architecturally interesting building.Art museums at nearby Wellesley College and Brandeis University (the Davis and the Rose) are also well worth visits, architecturally interesting, with great small permanent collections and special exhibits. The Davis has a nice cafe. They are 1 town over from Newton.
  • RhondaR785
    Occupying two galleries in an academic building on the Boston College campus, the McMullen Museum stages two excellent, well-curated special exhibits per year. The current exhibit shows dazzling art from 16th century Japan on the subject of trading missions with Portuguese sailors and Jesuit missionaries. Seven exquisite large screens depict ships, sailors of many nationalities with large "Western" noses, trade goods being transferred, and life and activities in the Japanese port. Many of the trade objects shown carried by the sailors -- inlaid boxes, leather shields from India, rare porcelains from China - have also been collected in the gallery. The excellent informative labels explain the historical, artistic and religious significance of objects. The museum charges no admission and is open almost all year round.
  • H_Lison
    The McMullen Art Museum at Boston College in Newton, Mass. is currently hosting anexhibition of art objects and artifacts from the 16th century which were created as a resultof the impact of Portuguese missionaries and traders on Japanese culture. The art includesa variety of enormous yet highly detailed screens showing the Portuguese sailing ships, theircrews, Jesuit priests and Japanese bystanders. For those interested in this remarkable historicalperiod, this exhibit is well worth a visit.
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