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stone valley cooperative recreational area

stone valley cooperative recreational area

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • MichaelBalonek
    We love Stone Valley...when we lived in Colton we got out there a WHOLE lot! Definitely recommend it to anyone who loves beautiful views of waterfalls and trails and the like. :-)
  • WBWT
    Very nice hike suitable for families. Good trail, and lots of fun to sit on the rocks and watch the water - never had trouble there, but you do have to watch for sudden rising water - my best advice is to know where the kids are, and know how to get off the rocks if the water starts to rise (from upstream dam).
  • Mommyto2boys
    This is a beautiful walk any time of year but especially during the white water releases and after a big rain! The falls are lovely!
  • mdkadk
    The Racquette river has the most dams per mile of any river, and waterfalls at many points through the ADKs and here - superb! Walking views are great, and the stretch is really good for all but the infirm. Kids get a good workout and just remember to hold on to them when near the ledges or out on the rocks. We do this 4 seasons - and all weather...enjoy the variety nature provides!
  • Mommyto2boys
    The Stone Valley trail in Colton, NY is a beautiful not too difficult hike along the Raquette River. This area is used during the summer for white water rafting releases which draw people from all over the US and Canada and even Europe. It's a beautiful place to picnic, also! You can walk along one side of the river, cross the bridge and go back along the other side.
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