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nodaway valley historical museum

nodaway valley historical museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • kathyk767
    Please stop here the museum is very interesting and well laid out.. Such a variety of subjects and so well put together to enjoy...Alot of history to take in so keep open a couple of hours !!
  • JimandFran
    The exhibits show the history of the town and it's surrounds well.The volunteers who maintain it and service it should be congratulated. Definitely one of the best local area museums we have been to.
  • maninmo
    This was a neat little place featuring local historical items and information. It also provided exhibits of various pieces of household and industrial tools and equipment form 20th century living.
  • maschmit
    We visited the museum on a weekday afternoon when it was relative quiet. I was very surprised how big this museum was compared to other county museums that I had been to. There were quite a few different areas of exhibits. The old school was neat to see since this is where 4-H clubs started. Most exhibits were displayed well and not just thrown on the floor like I have seen at other county museums. This has to be one of the best county museums I have ever been to.
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