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glacial lakes state park

glacial lakes state park

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • sixlet
    We had a great weekend horse camping in the park. We were first to arrive in the horse camp so we had our pick of sites. We chose the only area that has any trees. There is little shade in the horse camp area. We were fortunate that there was a nice breeze blowing the entire weekend and it was overcast. If it had been sunny with no breeze, the lack of shade in the camp and on the trails would have been unbearable. The water pump was also directly behind our campsite (which I believe was #5-none of them actually had numbers posted but at the office they said that was the site number). The water was pretty cloudy looking out of the pump so we were glad we had brought enough from home for the horses. The horse trails were nice as was the hiking trail that went around the lake. We would definitely visit again as long as we are sure the weather will be cool.
  • H5809ZSjimh
    Nice hiking trails and horse paths. Nice size camping spots for the mostly. Pretty lake with canoe and kayak rentals available. Showers need a little attention but overall it was great time and very relaxing.
  • DisplacedColoradan
    We decided to visit Glacial Lakes SP after reading other reviews on Trip Advisor. We were not disappointed. We hiked for two hours on the South side of the park, which is comprised of prairie, hills, and lakes. The terrain is impressive and geologically interesting to boot. The views are pretty darn good and we saw many birds. Speaking of which, the park has free bird-watching kits you can borrow if you left your binoculars and bird guides back at the hotel, as we did. The naturalist at the Visitor Center was personable and helpful. I should also add that we didn't see a single piece of trash while we werein the park. After hiking, we drove through the campgrounds, which looked quite inviting, and as well-maintained as everything else at Glacial Lakes.
  • KathrynS533
    OK if you want to hike and get your heart rate up ~ You have found it ~ One trail leads to a beautiful view of the lake and a bench to sit a watch the lake from ~ Amazing !
  • revgmb4689
    There are 3 new cabins (no running water tho) to stay in, plus great camping sites. Small lake, biking & walking trails. Lovely spot.
  • shanna92580
    We did a weekend camping trip to Glacial Lakes State Park and it was wonderful. We stayed in Camping Cabins which I recommend if you dont want to tent. The park has many hiking trails and horse back trails. The scenery is amazing, it goes from Oak forest to rolling hillside in a matter of steps. The park and trails are well maintained and groomed. There is a lake with a small swimming beach which felt great after a long day hiking! The water is crystal clear a fresh (good for fishing too!) This is a state park so you do need a park pass to enter, which you can purchase at the entrance. If you are looking for a great place to relax and take in nature in it's "untouched" way, then this is the place to go!!!
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