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medicine wheel national historic landmark

medicine wheel national historic landmark

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • lysmekah
    3 years ago in July we attempted to go here, and there was still too much snow, so being able to stop this time was a huge win. Such a beautiful and inspiring location at the top. 1.5 mile hike round trip at about 10,000 feet, so take it easy and bring lots of water. Remember that this location is sacred to many, so its important to show respect at top. Location isn't near anything, so it isn't super busy - people here have sought out the site.
  • RREBELOmaha
    Our family hiked to this landmark in July of this year. My parents have each had health issues and we took our time making it to the top. They made it pretty easily with a couple of stops to rest. The site itself is intriguing. Our nine-year-old found it interesting but experienced an overwhelming feeling of sadness from the site making him want to move away from the circle. He patiently waited while the rest of us took our time experiencing this unique place. Anyone who is interested in spirituality and/or the Native American culture really should put this on their list of to do's. I recently learned about this place and, after experiencing it, it is on the top of my list of awesome places I've gotten to experience during my life. For those who have no interest in spirituality or a sense of respect for Native American culture or in history in general, I would say that you will not fully enjoy this place nor should you visit it if you cannot give it the utmost respect that it deserves.
  • Wilson60
    The Medicine Wheel was my favorite part of our trip to Wyoming. We drove through the Big Horn Mountains from Dayton on our way to Cody and stopped to see it. You have to hike in about 1.5 miles to get to the Medicine Wheel, but it is an easy walk and the views are absolutely amazing. We were literally the only ones there, and if felt like a little piece of heaven, very peaceful and spiritual.
  • Juangenaro
    I was very lucky to be able to drive up the Mountain and park next to the Medicine Wheel. Definitely a beautiful place to visit. Very spiritual and def took some time to stand there and admire the location which not only offers history but lots of sweet views. Some say that the Natives built it and some say that the Gods were the builders. Either way, it's an spectacular Historic Landmark that has many puzzled.
  • 456LarryM
    Medicine Wheel Mountain is on the western edge of the Big Horn Mountains. I came to it from the east, from Sheridan. The drive up into the mountains is very interesting, especially the geology, and some of the rock layers are labeled with signs. The road is winding, but once you get up on top of the mountains, it flattens out. It's heavily forested in areas, and there are a few logging trucks and lots of cattle. There's heavy snow in winter, and they close the road. The Medicine Wheel itself has a very spiritual feel, although there were cattle wandering nearby which broke the spell for me. Apparently they have to get the cattle down to lower elevation before the snow comes. I visited in late September, fortunately during a hot spell, so there was no snow.
  • DGD777
    Medicine Wheel National Historic Landmark is worth the journey. We stayed overnight in Sheridan on our way to LIttle Big Horn from Devil's Tower. You'll want to start from Sheridan around 1 pm if you'd like to get back before dark. The state roads prior to the turn off to MWNHL are well maintained. The views from MWNHL are incredible and the air is so clear. We hiked through a little snow in July to get to the Medicine Wheel - it's about a mile hike on level ground. Even though there was snow, many looked comfortable in shorts and a light jacket. There is ranger at the parking area and one at the wheel full of knowledge and ready to share. I'd go back again.
  • Horserescuer57
    This is a very spiritual place, with an awesome location. 10,000 ft. up and just beautiful scenery. While only native Americans are encouraged to leave a token, the ancient history of this place inspires all to want to pay tribute here.
  • debbiemI4172MZ
    After a hike of 30 minutes you get to the top and you can see for miles around the area also a good place to watch the sun set
  • SDCooks
    At approximately 10,000 feet elevation and at the end of a 1.5 mile hike (3 miles round trip), the effort getting to the Medicine Wheel in the Big Horn Mountains is well worth it. Sitting on a high point on the western edge of the mountains, the wheel is long sacred to Native Americans who still visit. Birds float on wind currents overhead and the expansive view reminds you of your insignificance in the grand scheme of things. There are no amenities at the site other than a vault toilet nearby; dress appropriately, the weather can change quickly at that elevation. There was still a snow bank along the trail in July. Benches are placed at interval along the trail which is actually a gravel road. A baby stroller with bicycle wheels could easily handle the trail.
  • Albion58
    You really have to experience the place. Words do not do it justice.The hike from the parking area is only about a mile and a half and a moderate grade. There are benches to rest along the way should you need them. The view and the overall experience are quite incredible.
  • ALiEN2108
    Passing through the region we were recommended to visit the Medicine wheel and we did head toward it! A very nice gravel road (no problem even for a big RV) you will come to a parking area and then it's a 1.5 mile hike to the medicine wheel. Once you arrive at the site, you will be rewarded for the hike as it still is almost 3000m high and you will be out of breath. As this is a sacred site to native americans, only they are allowed to enter it and leave charms on it, so please respect that.Be noted, that even in July there is still snow around and it can get COLD! Bring warm clothing!!! We saw people doing the hike in t-shirts being all "frozen up" when going back. Be smart, dress for the weather :) If you are unable to walk or have a problem doing a 1.5 mile hike, talk to the rangers and you will be able to drive up to the medicine wheel!
  • ssdmom
    I've always wanted to see the Medicine Wheel. It is an ancient, sacred, site used by the Native American Indians for centuries. It is a 1 1/2 mile hike to the top, but worth every step. If you love to learn of other cultures, appreciate ancient sites, and have a respect and reverence for nature and people, this is for you!
  • Tiffy_Bird
    We trekked up to the Medicine Wheel on June 21, the summer solstice. Wow! What a gorgeous vista. You feel like you are on top of the world here. No wonder early peoples used this site to discern time and seasons. The arrangement of rocks is a wonder---and the prayer bundles remind us that this is yet another sacred place. Yes, as others have noted, you do have to hike 1 & 1/2 miles to the wheel & then the same distance back to your car--at least in June. The walk is not difficult; you just have to be a little cautious on the slopes where the path is still snow covered. I expect by now (July) the snow has probably finished melting. For my part, the walk gave me time to ponder the site and its significance. The trek forced us to slow down and take it all in---the immense beauty of creation, the sense that we were treading a path worn by countless generations. The crows wheeled in the clouds and the marmots played among the rocks. And we walked in the sky.
  • gregbooras
    My wife and I attempted to walk to Medicine wheel earlier this week. We drove to the top and walked until the path turned to snow. There was at least 10' plus covering the path and on the only way over was to take the path over the snow covered path. I started and was about 3/4 way across when my wife called and (about 1/3 way) and said she thought it was to risky.I turned back at that point and helped her back to the path. Another group of six also decided that the path was to risky to do. See the photos I have attached and you will see that if you slip you would go down and not sure how far.My guess is the path will be clear in a few days, but until the path is cleared, the forest service should close the path.
  • Geojared98
    Really cool! Nice hike even though it was like a mile walk but it had some really cool scenery! It is Wyoming people!
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