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state farm arena

state farm arena

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • HeatIsOnII
    Got invited to see an indoor football game at this location. I saw a south Texas football arena football team against a Mexican arena football team compete inside the arena and even though it felt awkward it readily became very interesting game. At half time were were treated to women football teams in full contact football. I was surprised but not overly enthused due to their midrif attire or rather lack of it. the price was cheap for $10.00 cheapest seat but very close to the action.
  • 870mindys
    While this place holds lots of concerts and other events to entertain the community, (sports, monster jams, cirque etc) the concession prices are RIDICULOUS. $10 for a 24 oz beer? $5 for a flat, awful tasting soda? You don't even pay that at a major city arena with PROFESSIONAL sports teams. It's insane. They have the community over a barrel and they know it. Feed your family before your event, and tell them not to plan on drinking anything. Unless $4 for a bottled water is ok in your book
  • 10RogerTheLodger10
    We recently attended a Killer Bees hockey game at the Sate Farm Arena--this is a modern facility that is set up for a broad range of entertainment options. Last year we saw Circ du Soleil here. The hockey was good family entertainment--even though it was not the Bees night to win.
  • BrianJ590
    Sorry that the Killer Bees are history. I always enjoyed going to hockey games at the Arena. I hope they can get another hockey team in the future.
  • PatriciaEdithG
    esta muy bien porque traen buenos artistas pero falta espacio entre los asientos de las gradas ( sillas incomodas)
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