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frisco train store

frisco train store

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Wood n' Trains!Located in the historic Frisco building, Frisco Train Store...


  • ParadiseMissouri
    First of all, it is a free play area: the Frisco Train Store bustles with kids of all ages playing with the trains on the big train layout.Second of all, it is a historical building, and the Train Store maintains its authenticity.Third of all, it holds special events on Friday evening for the public, and you can host a birthday party here.Truly a place for the young-at-heart. Do not go here if you are old-at-heart.
  • Sue4605
    We visited this store last week with 2 of our grandchildren. It's about 15 minutes (with traffic) from downtown St. Louis. It wasn't quite what I expected but the grandkids (2 & 4) loved it. There's several different sizes of train sets up around the store...actually probably 4 or 5...a small kitchen set (that no one went near) and a large train set on the "ceiling"...lots of activity! There were probably 15 little boys playing with trains (and 1 girl...our granddaughter). About 6 parents sat on benches and kinda watched their little ones. Great little field trip! They have all kinds of trains for sale and educational toys. Prices aren't bad. They do birthday parties here also. They offer a few snacks.
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