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lakelands trail state park

lakelands trail state park

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • nancyj34
    This trail goes for miles in each direction, it once was a railroad track. It is paved around Pinckney, but heading west, toward Gregory it is smooth, hard-packed gravel and you may see horses, wildlife and creeks out there. It is kept quite clear of snow in the winter, trash cans are available along the way, there are a few doggy stands with baggies. Occasionally there are benches and there are a few signs telling history. There are many people walking, running and riding bicycles along the way. There are several places to begin, and parking is available - the most popular spot to start seems to be the parking lot on the corner of M-36 at the Pettysville stop-light.
  • SKW481
    This is by my house and I have to say, I am spoiled with this trail. This trail is no longer a state park, but is maintained locally. It is well groomed and maintained, even in winter some of it is scraped. The trail is paved from Hamburg to Pinckney, past the west side of Pinckney it is not paved. The trail is approximately 20 miles long and runs into Stockbridge. The paved part is great for walks, bicycling, running or blading, and is nicely shaded. There are many places to park near M-36 or at the trailhead on M-36 and Pettysville. There are porta-potties at M36 and Pettysville, along with parking. The unpaved trail has been used by horses and is very rough, not very suitable for biking. There are a few benches in some areas, no picnic tables or playgrounds, this is strictly a trail. If you plan on walking your dog, there are disposal stations for dog waste.
  • tina-mcmurray2
    I recently ran a 1/2 marathon that took place in the park. It's a very nice, relaxed trail system. Plenty of tree cover and the trail is well maintained.
  • LDIdeals
    Just came upon this wonderful stretch (think about 7 miles or so) of paved trail for biking, walking, jogging, etc. and walked about 3 miles on it yesterday with hubby and pup. Wonderful availability (off M32), with public parking area by Pettysville sign on M32 (across from Cap n Frosty). I believe the trail goes all the way West to Stockbridge but not paved the entire trail.
  • JCOhio31
    I rode, or rather attempted to ride, this trail in July 2013. I started at Stockbridge. I have a 1995 Schwinn hybrid bicycle with 700 X 35C tires - typically well suited to a crushed limestone trail. The problem is that this trail has been destroyed by inconsiderate horse riders. Horse hooves have ruined the trail from Stockbridge to a point just west of Pinckney. I rode from Stockbridge east three miles, then turned around after a teeth-jarring ride over the hopelessly pitted and bumpy journey. I attempted to ride the trail from Gregory toward Pinckney, and again the trail was in terrible shape due to horses. The only portion of the trail which can be ridden on a bicycle is from just west of the Pinckney depot to the east end in Hamburg Township. This portion of the trail is very nice. It's unfortunate that the horse riders, who think they own the trail, have been allowed to destroy what could be a fine asset for the area. Horses should be ridden in the grass along the trail, and not on the improved surface.
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