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village arcade

village arcade

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • tru24rm
    The Village Arcade is located in a quaint cottage, overlooking a beautiful, boulder-filled creek, and despite its small size, has many playable vintage quarter operated pinball machines in great condition. It is well worth your time, if you happen to be in the area, and neighbors several little shops, which include an ice cream joint, a bakery, a consignment shop, an antiques store, an inn with bar & restaurant, a winery, and a few others. Behind the shops are the aforementioned creek, and nature hiking trails, many of which have been decorated by local artists. My only complaint is that the hours of operation are so few. As of this posting, I believe that they are only open on Saturdays & Sundays, from 12-5.
  • GardeningMom42
    Everytime we come to Saint Peters Village, my kids (and the adults) want to stop in the arcade. It's a blast to see the OLD arcade games and pinball machines. Every game is still a quarter and takes real quarters (not tokens). The nostalgia is fun and there's even a change machine and hand sanitzer on the way out....which is needed if you're headed for ice cream afterwards down the road!
  • Wister
    Coin operated machines have always been fascinating to me since I was a kid. Anything from the old small rides outside the grocery stores to the more recent gambling slot machines still used today. Sadly, most machines have mainly become glorified computers and the actual mechanical sounds and interactions are only simulated. I have a small collection of vintage coin operated machines of my own, and always seek out places displaying original if not functional machines still with real working parts and operated by coins. It was wonderful to discover this Arcade when on a recent visit to Saint Peters Village in eastern Pennsylvania. The entire village is built along a stream , and the original buildings are now quant little antique shops and cafes where you can stroll along and enjoy a nice afternoon. Walking into the arcade is nothing like the modern arcades, but something you would recall from your childhood or somewhere that the gang from " Happy Days" would be found. From the wall art work to the floors and every machine and the smell of the interior, this place is authentic! There is just something about the colors and the real feel of the levers and controls and the actual sounds that is so enjoyable. Kids today with all the computer gadgets should become more familiar with the real items that their parents enjoyed. Grab a roll or quarters, and let your kids take turns on the various machines! Or you do it, and relive some of our past!
  • BlueCollarGourmet
    Village arcade is amazing. It is open on Saturdays and Sundays.Most pinball machines are 2 plays for a quarter! One machine was 3 plays for a quarter! The owner has done a great job maintaining and restoring these relics of our past. An impressive collection of classic shooters and pinball machines from Midway, Bally, Gotlieb and Chicago coin awaits anyone who remembers the thrill of putting a quarter in the slot in the 60's and 70's. My family had a wonderful time and we would like to thank the owner for sharing his collection. Why not put down your smartphone, laptop or X Box controller and take your family to play a REAL game at Village Arcade?
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