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laurel ridge state park cross-country ski area

laurel ridge state park cross-country ski area

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • larryw746
    Laurel Ridge State Park encompasses a large area that stretches about 70 miles from Ohiopyle on the Youghiogheny River to the Conemaugh Gorge near Johnstown. The main feature of the park is the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail (LHHT), providing day-hiking and semi-wilderness backpacking experiences with overnight Adirondack-style facilities. The cross-country ski area is located near Rockwood on SR653, with more than 20 miles of inter-connecting trails. During the winter months these trails are groomed for both classic (diagonal striding) and freestyle (skating) skiing. There is a concession at the trail access parking lot where visitors can obtain rental equipment, pay a small daily usage fee, and make use of the comfort facilities. The concession is operated by the Pennsylvania Cross-Country Skier’s Association (PACCSA), who also maintain a web cam at the site and daily updates of conditions - http://www.paccsa.org/lrwebcam. The concession also sells a limited selection of food items and there are picnic tables in the heated room as well as a ski waxing table. The trail system is well laid out and marked by color discs and numbered waypoints so it’s practically impossible to get lost as long as you have a trail map. Downhill runs are also marked by caution signs and there are alternate trails bypassing the hills. We were there during February and found conditions on the trails as good as can be found anywhere. The trails are all color-coded for difficulty, and one trail (orange) is designated dog-friendly, so you can even take along your best furry friend.
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