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morgan log house

morgan log house

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Cunningw
    My wife and I decided to look for attractions in Lansdale, where we live. It is typical to go to attractions on vacation and the like. I like history so we visited the Morgan House. The house is unassuming in that when I think of a log house I think round logs. This log house wasn't quite like that. The logs were squared off. The house was great and the tour guide was very informative and easy to understand. I learned a lot about how people lived back then and we learned a bit about some history of our area too! We will definitely attend more activities at the Morgan house because I truly enjoyed it. I highly recommend visiting if you live in the area or are visiting.
  • dotanHatfield_Pa
    It seems all of us look further than our own backyards for something special. But we were fortunate to find this gem a stone's throw from our home. It is serviced by volunteers that are up on their history and dress of the period when tours are offered. It is especially nice to visit on the holidays as they offer special treats. You must check on hours and days of availablity so you aren't disapointed to arrive and it is closed.It is definitely worth a visit.
  • geraldo192
    The volunteers that staff the Morgan Log House are knowledgable and friendly and very protective of this wonderful old house. Essentially a reconstructed log cabin on a site originally settled by Daniel Boone's grandparents, the Morgan Log House sits right smack in the middle of a typical suburban neighborhood (its across the street from a municipal swimming pool). A section of the log house is original construction - the rest has been rebuilt to be faithful to the original construction. Several times per year the volunteer staff hold colonial re-creations that are wonderful for kids and history buffs. The volunteers are very willing to teach and talk about life in colonial times and I learn something every time I go to one of the re-creation events. The best times to visit are during the "Mayhem at Morgan" halloween event, which is a re-creation of a colonial night during the Revolutionary War - no zombies or witches, just the genuine terror of being surrounded by hostile enemy soldiers with a "traitor" in your midst and Christmas time, when the Log House is decorated to represent a cozy colonial holiday home. A must-see for history buffs.
  • bkmiller88
    My brother and I visited this place before Christmas for the candlelight tour. We loved the tour guides that spoke from various time periods that the house was in use. Very interesting!
  • AnnM272
    It is often forgotten that there were a number of Welsh settlers in the early days of Pa. This home shows how they lived. The tour changes according to the season of the year, so you can return a number of times.
  • adamcoop68
    The Morgan Log House is a meticulously restored example of early domestic culture that reflects the lifestyle of the early pioneers of Pennsylvania. The land on which the house was built was owned and farmed by Daniel Boone's grandfather, Edward Morgan, a Welsh Quaker. The exhibits include fine antique furniture, household implements and colonial period decorative arts from the early Welsh and Germanic traditions of Pennsylvania.
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