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carney rapids

carney rapids

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • WilliamGriffith
    Not all that really much to say about it-they used to have a little park here but that was removed some time ago. It's a beautiful setting and very picturesque. There used to be a railroad crossing here many many years ago, and you can still see the old fallen timbers in places. The path runs along the edge on the North side of the Pike River and there are many fine places to try casting a fishing line into. That day, we managed to bring in a nice pile of trout-all on the smaller side, but One was a lunker who had been lurking beneath the overhang of the Southern shore and gave a Fine battle reeling him in! Didn't have a scale or a tape measure with me, but he went Great on the campfire that evening! Like I said, a pleasant and quiet place to sit and fish on a nice Summer day enjoying the scenery and the solitude, wayyy out in the middle of the woods! Watch out for the Woodticks, though!
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