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linbrook heritage estate

linbrook heritage estate

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • AllenT828
    My dad and I visited the Neal Agricultural & Industrial Museum on "Steam Day". I loved the wood fired steam boiler, which sent steam to a steam engine, which turned a DC Generator, which power DC lights under the display area. They show how steam could be used to make electricity and some very interesting steam engines and generators. They also have a large display of fully restored John Deer Tractors. There are John Deer models all around as well. A Hit & Miss John Deer engine was used to make home made ice cream too. There is also a sawmill that is used for demonstrations. I enjoyed the close access to everything and the friendliness of all the staff. We did not go on the tours of the homes. I was mainly interested in the tractors, boiler and electrical items.
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