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bybee blueberry farm

bybee blueberry farm

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • briea2014
    I took my little girl a few weeks ago and it was very fun for her (us) to pick the berries. It was the end of the season so it was harder to find anything worth eating but, for us it was more for the experience. Prices were very fair, less than $2 per pound. Bring shoes for mud!
  • Lucyplus2
    Gorgeous location at the base of Mount Si. Amazing crop of blueberries. You didn't have to walk more than a few feet to be surrounded by bushed packed with berries. On one day, our 3 adults and 5 preteens/teens picked 52 pounds of blueberries in about 45 minutes. Our three families will enjoy them all winter and will think of the fun days we spent harvesting at Bybee.
  • sirikay
    Often times in the Seattle area, the close-in u-pick farms are crowded and over-picked...not Bybee! Loved, loved, loved it. The drive from Seattle (we drove from Woodinville) was gorgeous and we made a pit-stop at Snoqualamie Falls on the way up.Bybee was easy to find, well marked with signage. Flat parking like the other reviewer noted. When we were there it was a light crowd. Sun was blazing hot (could have used sunscreen but we crouched in the shade of the bushes and 42 pounds of blueberries later, none of us got sunburned!). They had so many rows of blueberries in all different varieties so we were able to taste the differences. The bushes closest to the entrance were clearly over-picked so i recommend heading towards the other end of the rows and the back corner. It only took us a few rows in to discover bushes overladen with luscious berries and looking like no one had touched them. We will definitely go back here!On the way home, we made a random stop by the road and ran down to the river to dip our feet in to the cold water. A nice serendipity.
  • peterandmel
    We had been to Snoqualmie Falls, ridden the railroad, and driven into North Bend. We saw a sign for 'You Pick Blueberries' while driving into town, and decided to stop. Signs were easy to follow, as the road was less traveled, and signs appropriately placed.Nice, big, flat parking area, just below a stunning cliff. Blueberries are easy to pick - no thorns. On a hot day, the bushes, which grow close together, create a shady world underneath, and that is where the blueberries are. We did not have to go far, or work hard to pick the several quarts that we ended up with. Even though we were not far from the starting place, and there were plenty of other people picking in earnest, we had a very quiet place of our own to explore for berries, which were easy to pick and plentiful.Buckets are available, and there are boxes to dump your prize berries into. This was good, as we were completely unprepared for hauling berries home. The price was excellent, the berries were delicious, and the ten year old had a great time. We were all casually dressed, which would be best. All the other fun things we did that day were great, but picking blueberries will be what we all remember the most fondly.
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