A unique cultural and historic resource in Riverside, California devoted...
The Center for Social Justice and Civil Liberties is in an unlikely venue. The lovingly restored turn-of-the-century bank building sits quietly near Riverside's White Park. Inside is what might just be the most emotionally moving museum in a 30 miles radius. Downstairs features the stories of Riverside heroes who fought for social justice. In the backroom is a short-ish video on key California events that resulted in establishment of civil liberties for marginalized Californians. Upstairs is a representative collection of mostly activist artwork bequeathed by Mine Okubo to Riverside Community College (which runs the center). The point of the Museum is simple. Injustices occur; thoughtful actions by single individuals can make a tremendous difference. Plan for an hour - and a second visit.
Go and visit the Okubo exhibit! The art is fabulous! The layout is atrocious and don't bother reading the label text just wander around and look at the art. Okubo's drawings and paintings are an amazing gift to RCC and Riverside, go down and be inspired by her art and pick up her account of being a WWII American Internee and be inspired again.