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larsen's apples

larsen's apples

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    The oldest apple tree here is over 140.


  • Karin94947
    For the second year in a row I found Larsen's to be the place to buy my apples on my annual trek to Apple Hill orchards. They also have terrific apple cider.
  • 703MichelleR703
    They have one of the biggest varieties of apples on Apple Hill. Our favourite type of apple is the Pink Lady, a pink in color and generally sweeter apple, and to date Larsen's is one of only two apple farms that grow them, and theirs are by far the best. There are a few other types that are more unusual or less popular that Larsen's stocks that most places don't. If you're looking for variety this is your stop.They also stay open into the end of fall/beginning of winter season. Most places start closing around Thanksgiving, but we've stopped here while on trips in the area in mid-Decmeber for Christmas. This is extremely convenient. It definitely has the feel of a family place. All of the staff are extremely friendly, not just with the customers, but with each other. It's clear they truly enjoy their job and that they know quite a lot about what they do. They're perfectly willing to talk to you about the apples, answer any questions you may have, or even just talk your trip in general. They also offer free samples. They're quite willing to let you try as much as you want and even go back to ones that were your favourites. This is great for kids, although I definitely still enjoy snacking when I'm up there.Get their apple cider! It's delicious and stocked in very few stores. The restaurant they run that's across the parking lot is delicious. Obviously their apple related treats are the best, but they also serve very good food as well. The park across the street is lovely. We get food at Larsen's and then go across to the park and eat at the benches there. There's even a pond. I look forward to stopping here every year, and if you're in the area or visiting from afar you have to make this one of your stops. Friendly, delicious, and the perfect apples!
  • bobba
    Rainbow has the best appple donuts on the planet. We always pick up coffee in Placerville and start our annual Apple Hill visit at Rainbow so we can enjoy these decadent treats.
  • CL658
    Larsen's is our favorite place to buy apples on Apple Hill. Good selection and excellent quality. They close at dusk on Friday and all day Saturday - so plan accordingly. If you have time, be sure to visit their museum.
  • BLBL
    Apple Hill is an annual event in Camino, California. There are dozens of apple farms or all sizes. Apple Hill generally runs from after Labor Day through Halloween or Thanksgiving. Some of the farms are open until Christmas. Many sell all types of produce, as well as baked goods. Come have activities for the children, craft fairs ... and it's a BEAUTIFUL time of the year to visit.
  • Margimaide
    Sour Cream apple pie is delicious. Veggieburgers are yummy. Or bring your own lunch and hang out on the grass-covered meadow and listen to the waterfall. Then pick up a couple lugs of apples to bring home. Great variety. Check out the farm museum. Seasonal.
  • KhristyS_12
    I always make Larsen's Apples one of my stop through Apple Hill. I love their desserts.
  • porsche74s
    Larsen's is a great place to hang out on a trip up to Apple Hill for our annual apple fix. They have a lot of apple products and they're good at what they do. We never miss stopping there on our tour of local Apple Hill growers, highly recommended for the quality of their products.
  • dannirose3
    The really neat thing about this place is the museum! It is such a great place to spend a day. The park across the street is pretty cool.
  • GAET06
    Dans le comté d’El Dorado, en partant de Placerville, en poursuivant vers Camino à travers champs et bois on arrive à la propriété Larsen, ancienne ferme familiale, la pomme en est la vedette, des poires aussi, ils font du cidre et du miel. On stationne sous de grands arbres puis en se dirigeant vers le site, datant d’un autre siècle, de nombreux engins, tracteurs, etc.. , ensuite on arrive devant une cabane en bois pour la dégustation de jus de pomme (excellent) des caisses énormes de pommes sont disséminées ça et là, puis un bâtiment servant de cafétéria et de souvenirs avec vue sur un petit lac très mignon, la vue s’étend sur la forêt avoisinante, en face un stand de vente de pommes de toutes variétés propose ses produits avec un panneaux expliquant les catégories de ce fruit délicieux, la visite est agréable, même si l’on achète rien cela vaut le coup d’œil.
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