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usda sierra national forest

usda sierra national forest

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • CatdaBrat
    I am not sure about other areas of the Sierra National Forest, but the area around Lower Chiquito Creek is a MESS! There are groups of people who camp there for weeks at a time, and when finally told to move, they just go to another nearby location and settle in there until the next time they are made to move. They trash the whole place, including the stream, and leave human feces ALL OVER, and used toilet paper, plus any and all other forms of waste and garbage. They also do their best to glean every living creature from the streams, skies and land, totally ignoring fishing and hunting seasons, limits and other regulations. If it's alive, it becomes food, even if it means setting up nets in the streams and taking every fish, frog, crayfish, snail or whatever.We try to visit this area to go camping and fishing, but it is almost impossible because the people staying (living?) there tromp right through our camp site, crowd us out when we are fishing, drop trash everywhere, and worst of all is the feces problem. They even do this right in their own camp! I have seen human waste even IN the creek. They also, during times of the most extreme fire danger, break all the rules, by having campfires, using chainsaws and quads and motorbikes. Plus they discharge firearms and shoot bows and arrows right in the camping areas.I would imagine this has become a matter of safety concern for USFS staff and rangers, etc., and I am wondering if the agency has had to just look the other way to avoid confrontations? If so, things have gotten to the point where no one else can even use this area, which is unacceptable. I hope there is a solution to this huge and serious problem.
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