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buckeye woods park

buckeye woods park

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • patriciapQ938XV
    Not too crowded. Nice place to go for a short or long walk. Love Medina Parks System. One fall back for me...too many dogs.
  • CayceCleveland_Ohio
    There are several entrances to this large park. The one that is closest to my home and use themost is on Route 42, between Lafayette and Medina, just next to the Railroad Crossing...but there is another one on Route 62, East too. If you've got children, go to the latter, as there areswings and playground equipment and fancier bath facilities and picnic areas, with a nice pond for fishing. Also soccer and baseball fields. But if you just want to take a beautiful walk near marshland, teeming with herons, frogs, beavers, and more....then go to the trail off Route 42. (They all connect however). There are areas to walk through beautiful woods, cross beautiful streams, and spot wildlife. There are benches to rest on, and a raised area where you can watch the wildlife with camera or binoculars. I also love to gather black raspberries by the trail in late July. Many folks come here daily. There are just outhouses near the entrance, but its a safe place to enjoy nature. Parts of trail are paved, parts are not.
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